May is a big month for winning here at PCH. As you can see from the photo above, PCH awards winners every single day! And, they’re from all over the U.S.! Now, are you wondering how you can have the chance to win just like the PCH fans shown above? Well, you can do so […]
It was April 28th, and Publishers Clearing House Prize Day! The Prize Patrol was out on the road, and fans were following along online to see who was going be the next big Publishers Clearing House winner! Now normally, winner Martha Fryar can’t wait for Prize Day because … well, you never know! But on […]
Nancy Byers-Horan and her husband are what you’d call an active couple. They’re always on the go. In fact, her husband lost 150 pounds, and that’s just from walking! So it should come as no surprise that when the Prize Patrol showed up at their house, the busy couple was finishing up a workout before […]
Greetings, fans and friends! And happy #WinnerWednesday, the day when we celebrate – both on the PCHblog and on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook – PCH winners of smaller prizes. We’ve been presenting these #WinnerWednesday blog posts for a while now, and you’ve met a lot of winners. So, let’s test your knowledge about PCH […]
If you’re reading this blog, I’m going to guess that there’s a good chance you’re a regular visitor to all of the great properties we have at! It’s so much fun to get caught up in the excitement of drawings and PCH winners lists, even imagining that you’ll see your name there someday! Unfortunately, […]
Greetings, fans and friends! And happy #WinnerWednesday, the day when we celebrate – both on the PCHblog and on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook – PCH winners of smaller prizes. Last month, I wrote about “April showers of PCH winners” – how it rains winners every single day at PCH! Well, as it’s been said, […]
“We Deliver” is a phrase used to describe pizza makers and florists and milkmen. And you can safely add the PCH Prize Patrol to that list – because we really deliver Big Checks worth thousands, even millions, of dollars to people’s homes! And you know what else we deliver? Heartwarming experiences — for the winners […]
People are always asking the Prize Patrol, “We see you knock on doors. But what if the winner isn’t home?” Well, we go to “Plan B” and ask neighbors if they have any idea where our winner might be. That’s what we attempted when no one answered at Martha Fryar’s house in Fairmont, West Virginia. […]
The Prize Patrol traveled across the country to beautiful Palmdale California to surprise a lucky PCHlotto winner – Nancy Byers-Horan! The story of this winning moment is a great one! We love it when this happens … within 2 quick knocks at the door we knew someone was home and we’d find our winner fast! […]
Greetings, PCH fans and friends! Today is a special day! And I’m sure most of you know why. Today, April 28th, ONE LUCKY WINNER will be receiving a knock on their door by the PCH Prize Patrol! That’s right – today someone’s day will get a whole lot better, because they will be receiving a […]