The stubborn winter has finally left us here in New York, which means we’re no longer trapped inside. The flowers and trees are starting to bloom. The birds are singing all around. And we’re able to go outside to enjoy the fresh spring air – at least when it’s not raining. It’s well know that […]
April is a big month for winning here at PCH. In fact, in addition to all of our PCHSearch&Win prizes we’ve already awarded, PCH will be closing out the month on April 28th by delivering our next millionaire-making prize ! And if you’ve been taking our advice these past weeks and entering every chance you […]
Greetings, fans and friends! And happy #WinnerWednesday! Now, you might be wondering, what a strange title for a blog! That’s because it’s not just #WinnerWednesday, the day when we celebrate – both on the PCHblog and on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook – PCH winners of smaller prizes. Why, April 26th is also National Pretzel […]
It’s amazing what winning from Publishers Clearing House will allow you to do. Getting a huge windfall like this certainly helps you live out your dreams! Recently, I had the great pleasure of catching up with one of our favorite SuperPrize winners, Diane Jehanian, and she and her husband truly feel like they are blessed! […]
Greetings, fans and friends! And once again, happy #WinnerWednesday! You know what they say – “April showers bring May flowers.” Well, we have our own version of April showers here at PCH – where every day, it rains winners! That’s right; Publishers Clearing House has awarded over $327 million in prizes to date. That’s a […]
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Our March Token Exchange Winners list is here! If you were a winner, you don’t have to read this list to find out. You’ve already been notified, and your name is on the list below! So in that case, congrats! Now if you don’t see your name below, that’s […]
Did you know, in the past month, we’ve awarded over 150 prizes with lucky winners every day at PCHgames? The best part is, it is free to play! All you have to do is visit PCHgames to enjoy your favorite games and play and win! Let’s take a look at who’s winning this month! Pictured above […]
Greetings, fans and friends! And once again, happy #WinnerWednesday! This morning on the PCHblog, PCH Prize Patrol Elite member Dave Sayer wrote about the 50th anniversary of the PCH Sweepstakes, and he shared some fond memories of awarding millions of dollars to PCH prize winners over the years. And while everyone wants to win a […]
Our PCH Blog Reader Spotlight is shining on Scott R. this month, so I couldn’t resist making a pun! We can’t wait to introduce him, because he’s a dedicated fan — a VIP Elite as a matter of fact — and he has some positive thoughts he wants to share with all of you believers […]
On February 26th, history was made! That’s the day that we found our latest Publishers Clearing House winner and awarded our FIFTH $5,000.00 A Week for Life “Forever” Prize! That’s $5,000.00 A Week for Life to the winner, and then after that, $5,000.00 A Week for Life to a beneficiary! Our lucky recipient was 93-year-old […]