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Topic: PCH Prize Winners

Last Updated: August 2, 2016

This past June 30th, the Prize Patrol traveled to Michigan to deliver $1 Million to Mike Shields. What they didn’t know was just how close they came to missing Mike entirely—he had returned home from the hospital just the day before! “Yes, I had a severe infection, but I just got home yesterday,” Mike said. […]

Last Updated: July 30, 2016

Hi everyone, it’s Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team. As you would imagine, the Prize Patrol is always extremely excited to surprise our winners. Winners who, more often than not, enter the PCH sweepstakes daily in hopes of hitting it big. This particular winner was especially exciting for us because Cathy Flint is […]

Last Updated: July 27, 2016

Hey Blog Readers, With all the millions of dollars in prizes we’ve given away over the years, it’s hard to believe that so many people still ask the question, “Does PCH Ever Award Major Prizes?”.  Well, for some folks, seeing is believing – that’s why our newest Prize Patrol Elite Team member, Howie, is ready […]

Last Updated: July 26, 2016

You know that old saying, “count your blessings”. Well, if you won the PCH “Forever” Prize, you would be counting those blessings every week, with $5,000.00 checks coming in for the rest of your life and then, after that, for the life of someone you choose. It truly is a continuous blessing! PCH is prepared […]

Last Updated: July 25, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends! Recently, on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook, we posted a fascinating fact about PCH prizes: PCH Has Awarded Prizes to People in All 50 States. Now, I know from reading your comments on the blog, that many of you believe that “no one in my state ever wins a PCH prize.” […]

Last Updated: July 20, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another wonderful #WinnerWednesday! #WinnerWednesday is all about real people winning real PCH prizes. You can read about these fortunate folks every other Wednesday on the PCH Blog as well on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook. Now, I see comments all the time on the […]

Last Updated: July 11, 2016

Hello PCH Enthusiasts, Dreamers, Believers and Super Achievers! We always have a smile on our face when we get to share with you news of recent PCH winners.  When it’s a big SuperPrize, we know we’re making one lucky person very happy, but when we get to give out a whole bunch of prizes at […]

Last Updated: July 6, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends! And welcome to another inspiring #WinnerWednesday! #WinnerWednesday is all about real people winning real PCH prizes. You can read about these lucky folks every other Wednesday on the PCH Blog as well on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook. PCH prize winners come from every walk of life and every part […]

Last Updated: July 5, 2016

As so often happens, the PCH Prize Patrol arrived at just the right time.  If we had arrived at Mike Shields’ house on June 29, we would not have found him — because he was in the hospital.  But  — hallelujah! — Mike was home on June 30, recovered and resting up to go back […]

Last Updated: June 27, 2016

If the Prize Patrol showed up at your door, would you be prepared? If you won a PCH SuperPrize, would you know exactly what to say to Dave, Todd, Danielle and Howie? Would you clam up in surprise or would you express yourself, loud and proud? Well, we’re about to find out how someone reacts […]