Hi everyone, it’s Danielle Lam of the Prize Patrol! The April 29th SuperPrize award was one I couldn’t wait to deliver for a few reasons. First, it was the FIRST special early look drawing of giveaway #6900. Second, the trip fell right on my birthday (what better way to celebrate than to make someone’s dreams […]
Yesterday, Danielle Lam, of the PCH Prize Patrol, announced the results of the Special Early Look for our $7,000 A Week for Life Prize event – and guess what? We get to award another HUGE $1,000,000 PCH SuperPrize before Giveaway #6900 ends in 2017! That’s right: Because there was no match to the winning number […]
Greetings, fans and friends! And once again, Happy #WinnerWednesday! That’s right – real people win PCH! I love writing our #WinnerWednesday blog posts featuring real Publishers Clearing House winners. Yet, those doubters out there still wonder whether real people win PCH Sweepstakes prizes. I still get questions – even from my own friends! – like: […]
Has this ever happened to you? You’re telling your friend or family member about PCH and they ask you, “can a young person win from Publishers Clearing House? Isn’t it only old people?” Sometimes a question like this can leave you scratching your head, right? We’re not sure where that rumor started, but it’s NOT […]
Greetings, fans and friends! And Happy #WinnerWednesday! At Publishers Clearing House, questions we get asked all the time are: Is PCH the real deal? Do real people win at PCH? Are Publishers Clearing House winners actors? I can say, without any hesitation, that yes, PCH is the real deal … yes, real people do win […]
Greetings, fans and friends! One of the best things about working here at PCH is working on this blog. I enjoy writing posts for the blog just as much as I enjoy reading your comments (and I DO read them!). So as you can imagine, I was so thrilled to stumble across our very own […]
Hey Fans, This is it!!! With just 2 days to go before we crown our 4th “Forever” Prize winner, the vibe here is absolutely electric! Everyone at PCH is wondering who will be next (YOU??) and what the reaction will be to winning $5,000 a week, every single week, for not one… but TWO LIFETIMES! […]
This is the BIG one folks, and it will be the fourth time we give it away. I’m talking, of course, about the “Forever” Prize, and from seeing the past three winning moments, I can tell you that it’s truly a life-changing experience. As you all know, in just a few short days (this Friday […]
You’re looking at your phone, checking text messages… …or looking up a recipe. …or maybe casually playing a game on your tablet. …or catching up on social media on your computer. We all spend moments in our day on our electronic devices just doing “whatever,” right? Well if we have time for that, don’t we […]
Greetings, fans and friends, Whenever I tell people that I work for Publishers Clearing House, I always get the same response: “Are those PCH winners real?” I always make it a point to answer that PCH is very real, and that those folks you see jumping for joy in the TV commercials are real winners, […]