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Topic: PCH Prize Winners

Last Updated: November 6, 2012

Only 24 days until the Publishers Clearing House Mega Prize Event! Wow! Imagine getting a Big Check for $1 Million Plus $5,000.00 A Week For Life ― what would that be like? I know someone who knows firsthand, last year’s Mega Prize winner, LeRoy Faulks! Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite recently caught […]

Last Updated: November 2, 2012

This may come as a surprise, but the Prize Patrol actually had plans to award not 1, but 2 prizes this Halloween. Unfortunately, due to Hurricane Sandy, the Prize Patrol was not able to get out of the New York area to make one of those awards. That winner is being notified by overnight delivery, […]

Last Updated: October 29, 2012

While you’ve seen Todd, Danielle and yours truly — the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol — on TV countless times, we are not “stars” in the way that many of your favorite TV personalities are.  But that doesn’t stop folks we meet on the road and at winners’ homes from getting just as excited as […]

Last Updated: October 24, 2012

Have you entered to win $10,000.00 and Take Your Dream Vacation? Hello all! If you follow me on Facebook, you probably noticed that I was “off the grid” for about a week. It was time to unplug and get some R & R. Recently, my husband and I took some well deserved time off to […]

Last Updated: October 18, 2012

I have a question for you blog readers! Do you know what all the people on the list above have in common? OK, OK, I’ll tell you! They all won $500.00 CASH from Publishers Clearing House in the past few weeks! Pretty cool, right? Well, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR NAME ON THAT […]

Last Updated: October 17, 2012

Who cares about the VIP list for the Academy Awards after-party, Manhattan’s hottest restaurant or LA’s coolest club? There’s another important list to consider. It’s the only list that could make you a PCH millionaire; the list that could change your life in ways you’ve only dreamed about; the list that has the potential to […]

Last Updated: October 12, 2012

You might remember that the PCH Prize Patrol loves participating on game shows. Well… we’re at it again! All this week, Dave, Todd and I, were featured on Let’s Make A Deal for their special “Big Money Week”! Did YOU watch? This was SO exciting for me because Let’s Make A Deal has always been […]

Last Updated: October 10, 2012

Have you got your entry in for the October 31st SuperPrize yet? BOO – I mean HEY, blog readers! With all this talk about the November 30th Mega Prize Event, I hope you didn’t forget about the other big event coming up this October 31st. No, I don’t mean Halloween. I’m talking about the October […]

Last Updated: October 8, 2012

Guess what, blog readers? Today, we’re launching our new PCH TV commercials for the Win $1,000,000 Plus $5,000 A Week For Life Mega Prize Event on November 30th! Airing morning, daytime and evening, these PCH productions could be popping up on your TV screen over the next two weeks. But you don’t have to turn […]

Last Updated: October 5, 2012

For two-to-three years now I’ve been blogging about the Great Recession eventually coming to an end.  And I guess most economists think that it has.  The Dow Jones is dancing around the 13,000 mark (a nice improvement over two years ago), and every now and then housing starts or employment numbers show a slight gain. […]