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Topic: PCH Prize Winners

Last Updated: September 14, 2011

According to the old adage, practice makes perfect. But Ray Randall became a Publishers Clearing House winner the first time he entered! How’s that for good luck? Eighty-one year old Ray has been retired from Nabisco for 32 years and lives with his wife in Twin Falls, Idaho. He has received letters from Publishers Clearing […]

Last Updated: September 13, 2011

On August 30th Wanda Bosh went about her day, never expecting that a HUGE surprise from Publishers Clearing House would be waiting at her door. The PCH Prize Patrol stood knocking on Wanda’s front door in Dallas, Texas, saddened when we realized nobody was home. While defaulting to our usual plan B – asking the […]

Last Updated: September 1, 2011

Wow! It is September 1st and that means it has officially the DAY AFTER the 8/31 SuperPrize Event. Congratulations to Larry B. of Granite City, Illinois! Larry is now $1,000,000.00 richer! I hope everyone kept up with the excitement on the PCH Fan page. Check out Larry with his Big Check! Larry and the Prize […]

Last Updated: August 31, 2011

As I walked through the doors at Publishers Clearing House there was a buzz of excitement in the air. I glanced at my phone’s calendar and then it hit me – Today’s the day! The Prize Patrol is out on the road, RIGHT NOW, in hot pursuit of our August 31st SuperPrize Event Winner! On […]

Last Updated: August 29, 2011

Million Dollar Winner Stephanie Gornichec and her husband Shaun were surprised by the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol with a life-changing SuperPrize two years ago this month.

Last Updated: August 8, 2011

A Big Check for $5000 A Week For Life from PCH would be a dream come true!

Last Updated: August 1, 2011

Make horrible bosses disappear with PCH’S alternative solution!

Last Updated: July 25, 2011

The next top champion at PCH will be our huge SuperPrize winner!

Last Updated: July 22, 2011

Our July 15th PCH winner, Delbert Walth, praised the Almighty for his surprise blessing.

Last Updated: July 12, 2011

Great things are happening at PCH! So without further delay here’s the scoop… 1. PCH is “Taking Over AOL!” Well, we’re not buying them out or anything like that. We’re launching our most innovative online partnership to date. And, I’m so thrilled that every one of you has a chance to be part of this! […]