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Topic: PCH Prize Winners

Last Updated: December 31, 2019

We’re raising a toast to the ones we hold dear That’s YOU, our Blog readers, at the end of the year. You were our inspiration, all this past year through: Sharing hopes and your dreams — and your challenges, too. Yet again, PCH winners proved once and for all That the secret to winning’s no […]

Last Updated: December 27, 2019

Happy December! For many, December is a big holiday month. People are scurrying about buying gifts, doing holiday baking, and an overall feeling of kindness fills the air. December was also a great month across all of our PCHPlay&Win properties. There were lots of winners and lots of prizes. The perfect month for it, too. […]

Last Updated: December 18, 2019

“The PCH man is here! The Prize Patrol is here!” blasted through the intercom at the grocery store just outside Jackson, Mississippi. Employee Lawanda recognized the Prize Patrol immediately and gave me a giant hug and then ran off to tell all of the other employees. I was here to pick up flowers and balloons […]

Last Updated: December 12, 2019

Guys, I’m so excited to share today’s blog with you! I’ve been traveling to visit our PCH winners for years now, but this is the first time I’ve gotten the opportunity to chat with one of our big winners one-on-one via Internet video chat! “If you don’t enter, you don’t win! So what does it […]

Last Updated: December 11, 2019

Fans and friends, happy #WinnerWednesday! And happy National App Day! Apps! We can’t seem to live without them! These days there’s an app for just about everything! A quick search on PCHSearch&Win led me to a list of the world’s most unusual apps. There’s an app that lets you pop virtual pimples, an app for […]

Last Updated: December 6, 2019

December 2nd was a chilly, drizzly day in Roseville, California. But that didn’t stop Rhonda Wagner from throwing open the front door – because through the screen-door she saw nothing but sunshine. Let’s face it, it’s always fair weather when the PCH Prize Patrol arrives – with roses, balloons and a Big Check! And we […]

Last Updated: November 29, 2019

PCHplay&win’ners Collected Cash & Prizes All Month Long With the weather turning colder, it makes sense that people would be spending time indoors. And one of the best ways to spend that time is by whiling away the hours with PCHgames. PCH games are entertaining, free, and could lead to a big prize that puts […]

Last Updated: November 27, 2019

Greetings, fans and friends! Happy #WinnerWednesday! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving – I hope you have a wonderful holiday! There is so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and oftentimes we take these things for granted – like good health, a loving family, having a roof over your head and good food to eat, being employed […]

Last Updated: November 6, 2019

October 25th was the day so many PCH fans had been waiting for. SuperPrize days are some of the most exciting days of the year not only for our fans but also for PCH employees, like myself. We never know what is going to happen when we add someone to the PCH Winner’s List. Will […]

Last Updated: October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween, my dears … Just taking a break from the day’s delightful spookiness to introduce our latest monthly “batch” of lucky PCHSearch&Win winners — congrats to them all! Lucky and SMART, I should say: all our October winners “get it” that PCHSearch&Win is the internet’s ONLY search engine that gives you great results AND […]