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Topic: PCH Prize Winners

Last Updated: July 9, 2010

Our Sweepstakes Dream theme song is featured this week in our PCH TV ads promoting a $5000 A Week for Life entry opportunity. It’s back by popular demand – do you remember it?

Last Updated: July 2, 2010

Happy Fourth of July from the PCH Prize Patrol Yes, the Glorious Fourth of July is upon us — the day that Americans celebrate our independence and freedom! May it be an occasion for thankfulness and blessing for you and yours. Before long you could have your own independence day and celebrate your own freedom […]

Last Updated: June 28, 2010

As a busy summer intern for Publishers Clearing House, it is always good to sit back and relax after work. I did just that the other night with Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz and an oversized tub of buttery popcorn by my side. The new action packed film Knight and Day premiered June 23, starring Tom […]

Last Updated: June 23, 2010

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand all the ups and downs in the financial markets (though lately, most of them just seem like “downs”). Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke says the likelihood of a “double dip” — or another recession on the heels of the recent one — is slim. But, even […]

Last Updated: June 22, 2010

There’s an ad in The New York Times for a Hong Kong clothes-maker who promises a “Million Dollar Look” to the person who buys a “CEO Package” of suits for $1,699 or a “President Package” of apparel for $1,099 or a variety of shirts, slacks and tuxedos at expensive prices. Well, that purchase might make […]

Last Updated: June 18, 2010

While we’ve written before about Dick Maigatter who won our $100,000.00 Tax Free prize in April, we just had to share with you these pictures of this happy father with his happy family — including children, spouses and grandchildren. The event was Dick’s birthday when he decided to take his prize winner money and spread […]

Last Updated: June 14, 2010

How would you like the "Million Dollar Look?" There’s an ad in The New York Times for a Hong Kong clothes-maker who promises a “Million Dollar Look” to the person who buys a “CEO Package” of suits for $1,699 or a “President Package” of apparel for $1,099 or a variety of shirts, slacks and tuxedos […]

Last Updated: May 31, 2010

David Nielsen of Mountainhome, PA won $1,000.00 in Giveaway No. 1570 and Terry Castleberry of Wilson, OK won $1,000.00 in Giveaway No. 1559. Congratulations to both of these brand new PCH Winners!

Last Updated: May 3, 2010

Persistence paid off for Richard Maigatter (pronounced “My-gator”) last week when Dave Sayer of the PCH Prize Patrol arrived unannounced at his Appleton, Wisconsin home to present a $100,000.00 Tax Free Prize. Mr. Maigatter played the PCH Sweepstakes online five times a week for the past 10 years, hoping one day his entry would be […]

Last Updated: April 16, 2010

When the PCH Prize Patrol goes on the road to a surprise a cash prize winner, they usually stop at a local florist to buy a dozen roses before the big winning moment. From time to time in our PCH mailings and PCH online promotions, we tell folks about this, to give them a glimpse […]