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Topic: Publishers Clearing House Scams

Last Updated: January 7, 2014

One of the most important things we do on the PCH blog is warn our friends about Publishers Clearing House scams! Unfortunately, PCH scams involving Green Dot MoneyPak prepaid cards are on the rise. Fraudsters have been attempting to use Green Dot MoneyPak prepaid cards to steal hard-earned money from innocent people, like you. Read […]

Last Updated: December 18, 2013

Natalie, a real winner from Publishers Clearing House, gives advice on how you can identify PCH Scams! Hey there, PCH Fans! Another SuperPrize event has come and gone, but remember that there’s always another big Giveaway around the corner! Unfortunately, that also means that scammers will be as well. What do I mean? If you’re on […]

Last Updated: October 11, 2013

Here at Publishers Clearing House, we take PCH scams VERY seriously. Since 1967 we have been running the world’s most well known sweepstakes with a guarantee to award all prizes as offered. That’s why scammers often use our good name to attempt to rip off innocent people. Recently, our very own Lori Shore received a […]

Last Updated: September 20, 2013

One of the most thrilling things about winning a Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize (besides the HUGE windfall) is a surprise visit from the world-famous PCH Prize Patrol.  It’s a huge, unforgettable event. So, if you’ve received some sort of notification that you’re a Big PCH Winner, but you’re left wondering, “Did I really win from […]

Last Updated: August 19, 2013

I’m sharing a personal example of a Publishers Clearing House (PCH) Scam in hopes that it will help you fans stay safe! Just last week I was contacted by a scammer on Facebook pretending to be Dave Sayer. When I first saw the friend request, I immediately thought it was weird. I’m already friends with […]

Last Updated: July 25, 2013

Hey PCH Fans! Don’t you hate it when you have a question about something you just can’t seem to find the answer to? It’s the absolute worst! Here at PCH, we never want our fans to experience that, especially when it comes to questions about us! So we figured we’d answer some of your frequently […]

Last Updated: July 18, 2013

Hi blog readers! It’s Danielle Lam with the PCH Prize Patrol! One question I hear from our fans a lot is: “does Publishers Clearing House contact winners in advance?” Watch my video below to find out the answer: [tube][/tube] There you have it everyone! As I mentioned in my video, the only way you’ll know […]

Last Updated: May 8, 2013

Hi blog readers, [tube] [/tube] As you know, sadly there are Publishers Clearing House scammers on Facebook who pretend to be the PCH Prize Patrol in order to fool people. We want to help our fans avoid these Publishers Clearing House scams every way we can. Remember, the PCH Prize Patrol DOES NOT send […]

Last Updated: April 5, 2013

  Publishers Clearing House is the REAL deal― a legitimate sweepstakes company that has awarded more than $225 Million in Cash and Prizes so far! Unfortunately, sometimes criminals try to cash in on our good name and trick unsuspecting people like you with Publishers Clearing House Scams. While they may be convincing, here are 5 […]