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Topic: Lotto & Sweepstakes

Last Updated: January 1, 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! At this time of year, it’s always exciting to recap the last twelve months like we did here on the PCH blog a few days ago. Can you believe that in 2012 alone, PCH awarded over $16 MILLION Dollars to over 33,000 winners? It’s amazing! But what’s also exciting is to […]

Last Updated: December 20, 2012

As Christmas approaches I always remember a long-form TV commercial idea that some advertising colleagues cooked up for PCH but which never got produced.  It parodied the debates seen on “crossfire” talk shows and featured me – as head of the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol arguing with Santa Claus as to who has the […]

Last Updated: December 17, 2012

Having worked at PCH for nearly a year, my ultimate dream was to join the Prize Patrol on the road for a prize delivery. So, naturally, when I was asked just earlier this week if I wanted to help deliver the GIGANTIC $1.25 Million PCHlotto jackpot, I answered with an exuberant “yes!” and spent the […]

Last Updated: December 12, 2012

Hello PCH Friends! Happy 12/12/12! Today’s date certainly has been generating a lot of buzz … for a variety of reasons. Here at Publishers Clearing House, we’re SO EXCITED because today ― 12/12/12 ― is the day that the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol will award a PCHlotto $1.25 Million Jackpot from PCHlotto! So where […]

Last Updated: December 3, 2012

Hey PCH Fans, Have you ever heard of the phrase: When one door closes, another opens? Well here at Publishers Clearing House that phrase always rings true because the moment a lucky winner opens the door to find the Prize Patrol ready to award a Life-Changing SuperPrize, we’re already looking forward to giving the next […]

Last Updated: November 30, 2012

TODAY is the day of the November 30th PCH SuperPrize Event! As you all know, an incredible ONE MILLION DOLLARS will be awarded today! I’m sure you’re all super excited to find out WHO WON. Well, the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol is on the road to the winner’s home right now, which means we’ll […]

Last Updated: November 29, 2012

Hey Friends and Fans, There are hundreds of quotes and sayings about the importance of preparation and being prepared. Many have posited that preparation is the key to success and, without it, we cannot successfully achieve our goals. I’ve always believed that preparation is an important – often fundamental – part of success. As many […]

Last Updated: November 28, 2012

It’s been said that it’s better to give than to receive. That may sound hard to imagine, but that statement rings true for a lot of us here at Publishers Clearing House. As employees, we’re ineligible to win that infamous “Big Check,” but that doesn’t stop us from getting just as excited as you are […]

Last Updated: November 27, 2012

Hello All! It’s your friendly PCH Goodwill Ambassador checking in! Do you remember my winning moment back in August of 2008? If not, surf over to PCHTV to refresh your memory. Done? OK! I don’t know if you knew this, but I actually won from a Second Chance Drawing. You see, sometime during that entry […]

Last Updated: November 26, 2012

Hi PCH fans! It’s Danielle Lam from the PCH Prize Patrol! I have just-breaking news — the results of the Special Early Look for the November 30 Prize Event! I wanted to share the results with all of you as soon as I found out. Watch my video below to find out what I have […]