Did you know that the meaning of August is GREAT or MAGNIFICENT? Well, Publishers Clearing House gives fans like you SO many chances to win this month that we’ve taken August “GREATNESS” to a whole new level! There’s our August 31st $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize Event … Instant Prizes at PCHSearch … a PRIZE […]
Publishers Clearing House winners and fans always tell us that they would use a Millionaire-Making SuperPrize to leave a legacy with loved ones! And the Win “Forever” Prize is tailor-made to grant that very wish. Yes, on August 31st, you could win the “Forever” Prize, that’s payments of $5,000 a week for your life, then […]
From the outside it looked like a very quiet house; the blinds were drawn, and the air was still — making the 101 degree heat even more oppressive. But, as the saying goes, “You can’t tell a book from its cover.” Within a moment of our knocking on the door we could hear A LOT […]
Act fast, you could win a cash prize! EXCITING news! Special post cards with a www.pch.com/urgent website URL have been sent out in the mail and are due to hit mailboxes this Monday! I wanted to write a blog about this and try to answer ANY questions you may have. Why? Because YOU may be […]
Hi, everyone, it’s me, Lucky Windfall, aka the “Big Check!” I bet you’re surprised to see me back so soon. Truth is, with the big “Forever” Prize Event just a few weeks away, I’m so excited I could burst! It’s gotten so that I can’t help dreaming about the big day: This August 31st, me […]
$5,000 A Week For Life! Now that’s hard to top! And that’s precisely the challenge that the Publishers Clearing House Management team was facing. How could they ever dream up an even MORE exciting Prize Opportunity for the August 31st SuperPrize Event? I mean what’s better than $5,000 A Week For Life? Well, if you’ve […]
Hello everyone! You may have recently received a message from us here at PCH with an opportunity to claim a Prize Number to be added to the Winner Selection List for the August 31st SuperPrize Event. Or, you may have received a mailing informing you a Prize Number has been provisionally added to the Winner […]
This July at PCH is chock-full of new “play to win” games and prizes we know you’ll love! You won’t want to miss a single one of these winning opportunities, so be sure to keep up with PCHslots, PCHlotto, PCHgames, and PCHSearch&Win, whether you’re home or away! Let’s get cracking with… PCHslots (You could Win […]
Just a few weeks ago — on Friday, June 1st to be exact – I spent my Friday night at the New York Mets game. If you’ve read my blog posts before, you know that I admittedly go to baseball games more for the food and fun, than to watch the actual game. If you’ve […]
Whether it’s an instant win game, a big money sweeps, or polls, contests, and conversation, there’s always a lot to “Like” on our PCH and PCHSearch&Win Fan Pages on Facebook. That’s because we’re always looking for new ways for you to have fun and win! This month is ripe with special winning opportunities, one of […]