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Topic: Lotto & Sweepstakes

Last Updated: November 16, 2010

On our recent PCH Prize Patrol trip to Texas to surprise Colette Wallace with a Big Check for $10,000, I found myself just a short distance away from the site of a “classic winning moment”: the home of John and Barbara Cotter, winners of a Million Dollar SuperPrize back in November 1990.  So a return […]

Last Updated: November 15, 2010

The entry deadline for online sweepstakes entry into the Ultra Combo Prize Event is 11:59 PM on 11/16/10.

Last Updated: November 12, 2010

When the next sweepstakes giveaway grows closer, the subtle buzz on our PCH Blog  and PCH Facebook Fan page grows to a roar! Everyone is getting excited for the end of the month. Are you ready? A constant question we receive has to do with location, location, location. Some sweepstakes giveaway entrants may not necessarily […]

Last Updated: November 10, 2010

A few weeks ago we announced the launch of Bingo Charms, the charming new Facebook bingo game brought to you by the PCHgames team. If you haven’t done so yet, make sure you check out! And as a special treat for the PCHBlog readers, I wanted to share some pointers to guide you to more Bingo fun […]

Last Updated: November 9, 2010

On the morning of November 3 Colette Wallace, the newest $10,000 sweepstakes winner, saw a brown moth fluttering around her Texas home. It didn’t bother her – as it might some folks – because in the Philippine Islands, Colette’s native land, this particular sight is a sign of imminent good luck. Still she didn’t think much […]

Last Updated: November 8, 2010

As a sweepstakes prize winner, what would your winning moment reaction be?

Last Updated: November 5, 2010

No matter where you are, you can search and win instant prizes … maybe even at a wedding!

Last Updated: November 4, 2010

Cam’Pay’N Cashout – Will you count-up a cash payout this election season? Selecting who to vote for has always been a challenging process for me. First I think about the issues that matter most to me and list them by importance. Then I conduct some research and match the politicians that are most aligned with […]

Last Updated: November 2, 2010

In the movie “Parenthood” the Keanu Reeves character says “You need a license to catch a fish, but anyone can become a parent.” The ironic implication is that, in actuality, it takes careful preparation and loving dedication to successfully raise a child; but one can simply drop a fishing line in the water and pull […]

Last Updated: October 31, 2010

Halloween Prize Winner Jeff and Jinji welcomed the Prize Patrol into their home, offering us cupcakes and coffee…what a treat!