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Topic: Lotto & Sweepstakes

Last Updated: June 28, 2010

As a busy summer intern for Publishers Clearing House, it is always good to sit back and relax after work. I did just that the other night with Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz and an oversized tub of buttery popcorn by my side. The new action packed film Knight and Day premiered June 23, starring Tom […]

Last Updated: June 25, 2010

I just received an email from two friends from my high school days. They know of my longtime gig awarding Big Checks to Publishers Clearing House winners and are wondering if I could survive a rigorous climb to their Vermont mountaintop where hopes of a Prize Patrol visit spring eternal. I wrote back and told […]

Last Updated: June 18, 2010

While we’ve written before about Dick Maigatter who won our $100,000.00 Tax Free prize in April, we just had to share with you these pictures of this happy father with his happy family — including children, spouses and grandchildren. The event was Dick’s birthday when he decided to take his prize winner money and spread […]

Last Updated: June 16, 2010

It’s downright sad to see America’s carmakers relegating respected old brand names to the junk yard: Plymouth is gone; so is Pontiac; Mercury is about to depart; and General Motors is asking its employees to scrap the nickname “Chevy” even though it plans to preserve Chevrolet. Well, we have no plans to retire the venerable […]

Last Updated: June 14, 2010

How would you like the “Million Dollar Look?” There’s an ad in The New York Times for a Hong Kong clothes-maker who promises a “Million Dollar Look” to the person who buys a “CEO Package” of suits for $1,699 or a “President Package” of apparel for $1,099 or a variety of shirts, slacks and tuxedos […]

Last Updated:

How would you like the "Million Dollar Look?" There’s an ad in The New York Times for a Hong Kong clothes-maker who promises a “Million Dollar Look” to the person who buys a “CEO Package” of suits for $1,699 or a “President Package” of apparel for $1,099 or a variety of shirts, slacks and tuxedos […]

Last Updated: May 31, 2010

David Nielsen of Mountainhome, PA won $1,000.00 in Giveaway No. 1570 and Terry Castleberry of Wilson, OK won $1,000.00 in Giveaway No. 1559. Congratulations to both of these brand new PCH Winners!

Last Updated: May 28, 2010

Publishers Clearing House? Talk to most people here at PCH and they’ll admit that we should change the name to Publishers Clearing Home! Why? It’s simple. Behind all the giveaway excitement, Big Check elation and fabulous bargains, there’s a strong tie that binds the PCH Team. People don’t work at PCH for “years”… decades are […]

Last Updated: May 18, 2010

It’s a sunny day here at the Publishers Clearing House Offices in Port Washington, New York. As I sit at my desk, I‘m looking out the window, and the sky is a gorgeous shade of blue. Now, I don’t mean to complain, but this beautiful weather has me dreaming of adventure outside these four walls […]

Last Updated: May 3, 2010

Persistence paid off for Richard Maigatter (pronounced “My-gator”) last week when Dave Sayer of the PCH Prize Patrol arrived unannounced at his Appleton, Wisconsin home to present a $100,000.00 Tax Free Prize. Mr. Maigatter played the PCH Sweepstakes online five times a week for the past 10 years, hoping one day his entry would be […]