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Topic: Lotto & Sweepstakes

Last Updated: October 22, 2018

FACT: The Prize Patrol will absolutely, positively bring someone a life-changing $2,500 A Week “Forever” Prize this Friday, October 26th. YOU’VE GOT JUST 2 DAYS LEFT — today and tomorrow — to send in your entries to WIN. It’s time to get serious and start blasting out entry after entry right up ’til the cutoff: […]

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Greetings, fans and friends! What type of legacy would you like to leave? I know it’s a deep question for what is ordinarily a lighthearted blog, but we all want to be remembered for something once we are no longer on this earth. We want to be remembered for the love we give, the beautiful […]

Last Updated: October 18, 2018

As seasoned PCHers, you must’ve entered to win SuperPrizes before. Over the years, we’ve had a bunch of different SuperPrizes – many of them a “Forever” prize and plenty of them a “For Life” Prize. It occurred to me, however, that the difference between the two may not be perfectly understood, so today I’m going […]

Last Updated: October 17, 2018

Greetings, fans and friends, Yes, it’s #WinnerWednesday once again, when we celebrate PCH winners of smaller prizes! Now, I know you’re all super-excited about the “Forever” Prize we’ll be awarding on October 26th … $2,500.00 A Week For Life to the winner, and then after that $2,500.00 A Week For Life to a beneficiary the winner […]

Last Updated: October 16, 2018

They could start — $2,500 paid every week for life like clockwork — with the arrival of the Prize Patrol on October 26th — less than 2 weeks away!  If YOU become the winner, your life would change instantly, knowing that you’d receive $2,500 A Week For Life and that after that, those payments would […]

Last Updated: October 15, 2018

We guarantee that just days from now, on October 26th, one lucky Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes entrant will win $2,500 A Week Forever! That means $2,500 a week for the rest of that person’s life plus – after that – $2,500 a week for the life of a loved one the winner chooses! Wow! I wish […]

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Where would we be if great minds and great people hadn’t decided that their pursuits were worth the effort? Where would we be if Bill Gates had dropped out of university and then promptly given up? Where would we be if Henrietta Lacks had given up when she was told ‘no’ by her peers and […]

Last Updated: October 12, 2018

Hello PCH’ers! What’s just around the corner? Well, in two weeks it’s National Mincemeat Day, and I’m sure you’re all gearing up for that illustrious national holiday! Or perhaps you’ve been waiting all month for Frankenstein Friday, the last Friday of the month! No? Oh, I know, you’re excited because in two weeks it’s Nevada […]

Last Updated: October 11, 2018

We’re getting close to Prize Day, my friends, so it’s time to start really thinking about it. Someone is absolutely going win $2,500 A Week “Forever” on October 26th —$2,500 paid every week for the winner’s lifetime, with those payments after that for the lifetime of someone the winner names. That’s only two weeks away! […]

Last Updated: October 10, 2018

Greetings, fans and friends! Joann Snyder. Ora Gayton. Ryan Hart. Michael Miller. Tamar Howard. John Wyllie. They’re all PCH “Forever” Prize winners. And though they may live in different parts of the country, and may be of different ages, races, beliefs and ethnic backgrounds, they all have one thing in common. Can you guess what […]