We’re gearing up for our incredible $1,000.00 A Day For Life SuperPrize, and it’s time for you to start thinking about all of those things you would need to plan out for should you be our lucky winner. Things like vacations, shopping sprees, home improvements. But before you get to all the fun stuff, the […]
Hey there, friends and fans! Happy Independence Day! Let’s play a little game: I want you to close your eyes and imagine all the money in your bank account. Good? Now I want you to add $1,000.00 to it. Neat, right? Now do it again. And again. And again! Keep going! Why? Because that’s exactly […]
Happy 4th of July! We at PCH hope you have such a wonderful day! I know Summer technically started on June 21st, but to me, July 4th really feels like the kickoff to the summer – this holiday has always meant beaches, pools, and cool drinks in the sunshine! How are you spending your 4th […]
We have one heck of a month on our hands, folks. Not only is the month of July busy with Summer activities and Independence Day, it’s also adventure-packed at PCH! Let’s review what you should be aware of this month and go over Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For July! By the way… if […]
It happened! We just announced our big winner of $1,000,000.00 Plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life! If you didn’t see it happen live during our PCH Pay Day livestream on the PCH fan page on Facebook, stop by the page right now and see the moment for yourself! But the winning doesn’t end there, because […]
You’ve seen the TV commercials for it. You’ve followed the #PCHOpeningDoors campaign promoting it. And most importantly, you’ve (hopefully) entered to win it. And today, June 29th, one lucky winner will “win it all” – $1 Million and $1,000 A Week For Life! That’s right … this unbelievable PCH SuperPrize is guaranteed to be awarded […]
The Wizard of Oz’s “Over the Rainbow” … Saturday Night Fever’s “Stayin’ Alive” … “Moon River” from Breakfast at Tiffany’s – these theme songs are as unforgettable as the movies themselves! And TOMORROW, you could become the star of your own personal blockbuster, if the Prize Patrol comes to your door with $1,000,000 Plus $1,000 […]
ALERT: By time you read this, there will be less than 24 hours before Publishers Clearing House closes the door forever on this “Win It All” prize. Come midnight (ET) tonight, the people behind-the-scenes go to work – identifying the winner, making travel arrangements for the Prize Patrol, printing a “Big Check,” etc. – all […]
By now, you’ve seen all the entry opportunities, online ads, and TV commercials for the “Win It All” prize – $1,000,000 immediately plus $1,000 A Week for Life – and how it’s guaranteed to be awarded June 29. And that’s great! Another guaranteed prize shows just how committed Publishers Clearing House is to be making […]
Hello, my friends! Are you getting “sticker shock” at the gas pump? Although gas prices aren’t as astronomical as they were 6 years ago, we’re watching them steadily creep up — up to $3 per gallon here on Long Island NY, where everything seems to be more expensive. For many of us nationwide, having a […]