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Topic: Lotto & Sweepstakes

Last Updated: October 15, 2015

  This is an IMPORTANT PRIZE ALERT. Today, October 15th, is your LAST CHANCE to get in as many entries as you can for our incredible “Set For Life” Prize Event on October 23rd! The Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol is gearing up to go out on the road again to award a lucky winner […]

Last Updated: October 5, 2015

At PCH, our Millionaire-Making Giveaways are always exciting! But, before the cameras can start rolling and an epic “Winning Moment” can take place, our PCH Giveaways must be set up by the Department of Contest with pertinent information, including the Giveaway End Date. What is a PCH Giveaway End Date, you might ask. I’m here […]

Last Updated: September 30, 2015

“I was speechless! I had nothing to say.” That sums up Robb Gonzales’ reaction when the Prize Patrol showed up at his door with a $1 Million SuperPrize – a second chance prize PCH decided to give away when there was no winning number returned! While there weren’t many words coming out of his mouth, there […]

Last Updated: September 29, 2015

It’s amazing what some people are willing to do to win the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  Here is a dramatic example: The Prize Patrol is at an airport waiting to board a plane.  It’s clear to passengers standing by that they are on line with the blue-blazered trio they have seen countless times in Publishers […]

Last Updated: September 28, 2015

Have you ever endured something challenging in life? When faced with a hardship, you can make it through everything when you have friends by your side, right? Support is SO important, so that’s why all this week, PCH is GOING PINK for breast cancer awareness! That’s right! We’ve partnered with Susan G. Komen®, a non-profit organization […]

Last Updated: September 25, 2015

Here on the PCH Blog, we do our very best job to keep you safe. Unfortunately, as we’ve told you before, there are scammers out there trying to trick innocent people all over the country into thinking they have won money or prizes from PCH. One of the BIGGEST scams that victims fall for are […]

Last Updated: September 24, 2015

Dear Reader, Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that the Prize Patrol has just handed you a BIG CHECK with your name on it, along with the words “$7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE WINNER!” You scream. You jump up and down, maybe do a cartwheel down the street. And, after you catch your breath […]

Last Updated: September 23, 2015

“Jeopardy!” has been an extremely popular syndicated TV show for over thirty years.  It would not surprise me if most of you blog readers are familiar with the show and know how to play the game at home. So let’s pretend we’re playing “Jeopardy!” and the em-cee announces “Today’s clue is … John Wyllie, Michael […]

Last Updated: September 22, 2015

Hello, my blog-reading friends! As you know, we’re authorized to award an incredible SET FOR LIFE prize on October 23rd – $7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE! So tell us … when you fantasize about winning this prize …  what do you fantasize about doing with your prize winnings? Would any of these wonderful things be […]

Last Updated: September 21, 2015

“You never know” are words you hear applied in many situations: in the worlds of entertainment, politics, sports, finance, human relations, even weather forecasting. We Prize Patrol’ers “never know” either and have given up trying to predict what will happen when we leave PCH headquarters to deliver a Big Check.  You think that a winner […]