Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. With Some Monday Motivation

Everyone needs little bit of inspiration on a Monday, so what better way to kick off the morning than honoring a man who still inspires and empowers us to this very day… Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Today we celebrate his legacy, and remind ourselves that his motivational messages and positive actions continue to shape the society we live in. We celebrate this day to ensure that the future generations will continue to know his name, his story and the incredible outcomes of his hard work.
His powerful messages, from his famous “I have a dream…” speech and beyond have forever changed the world. His work is a true reminder to never stop chasing your dreams, whether big or small, because every dream has the ability to produce greatness.
Use today to reflect on your own dreams, celebrate his legacy and more. PCHSearch&Wincan help you find information on his life and legacy, local MLK Day celebrations, volunteer work and more.
Never stop believing!
Victoria P.
PCH Creative