Danielle’s Desk – How does the Daily Token Leaderboard work?

Hey, PCH fans,
Do you ever notice the Daily Token Leaderboard on PCH.com? Token Leaderboard Ever wonder what it means? Or how you can get on it? Well wonder no more! Danielle is back (at Danielle’s Desk) to explain the Daily Token Leaderboard and how it can help you win cash.
In case you didn’t know, Danielle’s Desk is where Danielle answers questions from you – the fans!
So, to summarize, get on top of the Daily Token Leaderboard and you could win cash. Play Instant Win games and scratch those scratch cards! Pile on those tokens and climb up the Token Leaderboard! You also get tokens when you enter sweepstakes! Plus, getting all those tokens means you can enter to win prizes on PCHrewards.
Have you heard about our sweepstakes for $7,000.00 A Week For Life? If you enter this Special Early Look Prize Event, you could win a millionaire-making PCH SuperPrize! Plus, pick up tokens for the Daily Token Leaderboard with your entry!
Speaking of the SuperPrize, if an entry with the matching winning number is not returned on time or is otherwise ineligible, a base prize of $1,000,000.00 is guaranteed to be awarded to an alternate winner in a second chance random drawing. We’ll announce the winner on August 31, so that’s plenty of time to enter, as well as more time to rack up the tokens for the Token Leaderboard!
It pays off to have a competitive spirit! Score the most tokens by 11:59 PM EST on any given day and you could win cash.
Also, there are two separate lists – one for desktop and tablet users, and another for mobile users. And we award a big cash prize to the person on top of each Token Leaderboard! That means there’s double the chances to win!
Your skills at the keyboard (or phone or tablet) could win you cash and prizes. So, keep scoring tokens and you could make it to the top of the charts. It’s a prize that’s available every day.
Go to PCH.com and start earning tokens! We hope to see you on the top of the Token Leaderboard! Good luck!
Have you ever been on the token leaderboard? What’s your strategy for scoring a lot of tokens? Tell us in the comments!
Rebecca M.
PCH Online Creative