Mansion, villa, chateau… Amazing, glorious, superb! How would you describe your dream home in one word?
Just about everyone at some point fantasizes about owning their own dream home – especially PCH fans. Many of us know the color, size, style, location and even its net worth. It’s not surprising either – let’s face it – home is where the heart is, and a SuperPrize win can turn that dream into a reality.
For example, the current SuperPrize is $1,000.00 A Day For Life!* With loot like that coming in every single day, it wouldn’t take long before you could put a down payment on a new home – or even buy one outright! Using only one word, how would you describe your dream home?
But a SuperPrize isn’t the only way to win a dream home. We actually have the perfect sweeps for that: Win $1,250,000.00 For Your Dream Home! Have you entered this one yet? Well, if not, I suggest you do. This prize is Guaranteed to be Awarded! You could be sitting pretty in the lap of luxury in no time! So, make sure to enter!
Would you prefer to win something different? Maybe you’d rather win cash towards a vacation or win a new car. No worries – we’re PCH! We have plenty of sweeps just waiting to be won! Just visit our sweepstakes page where they are all lined up nice and organized for you.
So, have you come up with your one word to describe your dream home yet? Are you dreaming of something grand? Is something quiet and modest more your style? I want to hear what you guys have to say. We may as well dream together, right?
OK, so here’s what you need to do today. Make sure you enter some sweeps today – whether it’s the SuperPrize or something else. And make your way to the comments section below and describe your dream home in one word! Perfect. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
Tina P.
Online Creative
*We’ll be taking a special early look to see if the winning number for our upcoming $1,000.00 A Day For Life Prize Event is returned on time. If it’s not, we’ll award big $1,000,000.00 prize instead — so either way, someone will definitely become a BIG PCH Winner in just a few weeks