Who Are You Determined To Win Big For?

Even though employees are not eligible to win at PCH, I still often dream about it. But it’s funny… when I drift off into winning fantasy land, I think more about how winning a fortune could benefit my family rather than myself. This got me thinking, and I just have to ask. Who are you determined to win big for?
Just in time for the “Forever” Prize
This question couldn’t come at a more perfect time, either, because in less than a week, PCH will be looking for a “Forever” Prize winner that is GUARANTEED to be awarded! That means that someone will DEFINITELY WIN $5,OOO.OO A Week for their entire life! Then after that, those same lifetime weekly payments will go to a very fortunate beneficiary of the winner’s choice. But the entry deadline is tomorrow (2/18), so be sure to enter if you haven’t already. And if you already have, enter again! Really – can you imagine leaving a legacy like that? Can you imagine being left a legacy like that?
When I dream about winning, the first thing that comes to mind is what I could do for my parents. They’ve worked hard their entire lives, and I’d love to be able to give back and make their golden years filled with carefree grandeur. I also think about my sweet Autumn – my rescue dog who has filled my life with unconditional love and joy. How I would love to sail around the world with my pampered puppy by my side! I can see it now… the glorious sun reflecting off her amber eyes… and the mighty wind that’s propelling our lavish sailboat blowing her long luxurious fur… all over the place. Dream Note to Self: bring extra lint rollers.
So, who would you be determined to win big for?
I asked some of my friends who they would be determined to win big for, and I got a wonderful array of responses. Well, most of them were wonderful. Their motivations included: their spouses, their parents, their children, their future children, their church, their favorite charity, and themselves. One even joked, “for my ex, so he could see me on Facebook living the fabulous life without him!” Oh my! We won’t elaborate on that one.
But of course there is no right or wrong answer. Each is personal and perfect, and I can’t wait for you to share yours. I want to hear all about the people or things that inspire you to stay driven, so please be sure to comment below. And ask your friends, too. It feels great to ponder, and it’s like spreading generosity and joy – even if it’s just a dream for now… for now!!
So whether you enter to win for yourself, for a loved one, or whomever, just enter! And don’t forget to tell us who you are determined to win big for. We want to know!
Wishing you the best of luck!
Tina P.
PCH Creative
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