Don’t Miss Out! The Last Day To Enter For $7,000.00 A Week For Life Has Arrived!

Last Updated: April 18, 2018

Are you ready? The pressure is on, PCH fans. Today is the last day to enter to win our incredible, LIFE-CHANGING $7,000.00 A Week for Life “Special Early Look” prize event (gwy. No. 11000)! Can you imagine the Prize Patrol knocking on YOUR door, big check, balloons and champagne in hand, ready to award you with some serious prize money? It could really happen, folks, but ONLY if you make sure to get all your entries in on time, across all the PCH properties!

Now, since today is the deadline to submit your entries, that can only mean that the prize award date is just a FEW DAYS AWAY! It’s time to get excited, everyone, because on April 27th, a lucky winner’s life can be forever changed. Need a little inspiration to get those last-minute entries in? just check out some of the amazing winning moments we’ve had in the past. All of these lucky winners have one very important thing in common – they ALL made sure to enter each and every day.

So, let’s talk for a few minutes about all the way in which you can enter at PCH. The most important thing is that no matter how you enter, every single prize at PCH is 100% completely FREE to enter. You can enter every single day across all of the amazing PCH properties like PCHfrontpage,  PCHlotto, and PCHgames just to name a few. You can also enter using our mobile apps for both Apple and Android devices! It only takes a few minutes to enter. Think about it, fans, it could be the best few minutes you EVER spend each day.

I can’t stress to you enough how important it is to get ALL of your entries in. You don’t want to miss out on your chance at this life-changing prize. Make it a part of your daily routine to enter, set a reminder on your phone or even write it down on your daily calendar! With all the great ways to enter there is no reason why you shouldn’t have entered at least ONCE! Remember, you have to be in it to win it!

Best of Luck to You All!

Victoria P.
PCH Creative