Dress Up Dog Costumes Are Arf-fully Festive!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Did you dress up your dog in a Santa Suit this holiday season?

Some PCH employees did and we have all the pictures for you to check out!

It’s been said that a dog is man’s best friend, but who knew a dog was also our best fashion accessory? It’s true! As a dog lover, I think there’s nothing cuter than when people dress up dogs in costume— especially during the holiday season. I mean between the bells, bows and plaid, there are just too many adorable options not to dress up dogs at Christmas!

What about you, my loyal blog reader? Are you a dog lover too? Did you dress your dogs in costume yesterday for Christmas? And if so, in what? A Santa Suit? Wrapping paper? Reindeer antlers? Whatever it is, please, please, please share — I’m just dying to hear!

In return, I’ll give you this treat: pictures from my fellow PCHers who dress up dogs in costume for the holiday season. I’ll start off with a face everyone knows – Prize Patrol Elite Member Danielle Lam with her Yorkie Juliet. Doesn’t she look beautiful?

And look at her Shih Tzu/Cairn Terrier mix Grizzly dressed up in a Santa Suit! He couldn’t be cuter!

Ellen from the PCH Marketing Department also opts for a Santa Suit for her Yorkshire Terrier/Shitzu mix Riley. I love it!

And that’s not all! Bob from PCH Creative loves to dress up Zena his Neopolitan Mastiff in reindeer antlers! He even used it as his Christmas card last holiday season.

And Kim from PCH Legal chooses a classic Santa sweater for her Pomeranian Mix Snoop! WOW! I can’t even handle the cuteness!

If you love these photos and are a dog lover like me, you’re just going to love this bit of news. Publishers Clearing House is going to be a sponsor of the New Yorkie™ Runway event this February 10th! Don’t know what that is? It’s a doggie fashion show where NYC celebrities and personalities walk pups down the runway in the finest fashions! And all proceeds benefit Angel On A Leash, a charity to help train America’s therapy dogs. Awesome, right?

A new feature this year is that dogs with fashion, talent or a special story can audition to walk the New Yorkie Runway.  If you think your dog has what it takes, visit the New Yorkie Audition Registration Page.

I’m sorry I have to be a “hush” puppy and not reveal any more at this point. But I promise you, it’s going to be doggone cute! So stay tuned for more details.

Until then, have fun dressing up your dogs in costume!


Amanda C.

PCH Creative