Enjoy Reading Your Newspaper’s Travel Section? Read On!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

As I said on the “Dave Sayer PCH Prize Patrol” Facebook page on March 5, “After a few days on the road and a lot of flying and driving, it’s nice to be back home. But I’m always glad to travel again to surprise another winner with a Big Check.”

Yep, I love traveling — and not only around the United States on Prize Patrol to Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes winners’ homes: I love traveling internationally too.  That’s why I never fail to read the Travel section of The New York Times every Sunday.  There are so many fascinating places to go.  So many scenic wonders to see.  So many cultures to explore.   And – yuck! – it’s all so expensive!

Gosh, if only I could win $5,000 A Week for Life or $10 Million in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, I could travel the world, take my family along and “make happy memories” (as my grandmother used to say).  Alas, being a long-time PCH employee and head of the Prize Patrol, I’m not eligible to enter the sweepstakes.  But I’ll bet that YOU are eligible — not only to enter but to WIN!

Just think of it.  Within hours of your “winning moment” you could plan your dream vacation. If you love traveling, you could go everywhere you’ve seen in the travel section and more! Maybe a trip to Europe, or Asia, or South America.  Maybe a round-the-world cruise – with stops in Hawaii or the islands of the South Pacific.  Maybe you’d prefer a week at a country B&B, or a few days on a tropical beach, or a family holiday at a famous theme-park.  Heck, with a giant cash windfall from the Prize Patrol you could do them all – year after year.

Of course such traveling pleasures would only be “the icing on the cake.”  If you win you could enjoy a lifetime of financial security – and wouldn’t that be the best of all?

So what are you waiting for? Make that travel section a reality for you! Click here on this link to pch.com and enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes – today and every day.  The more opportunities you take to enter, the more chances you’ll have to win!

Sweet dreams, happy travels, and good luck!

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador