Enjoy Some Sweet Treats This Winter With PCHSearch&Win!

Last Updated: February 1, 2019

Winter is in full swing here at PCH headquarters, and that means it’s time for one of my favorite things! If you don’t already know I love nothing more than trying out new recipes (and sharing them with ALL of you!!)  and winter is the absolute PERFECT time to spend hours in a cozy kitchen whipping up something fantastic. In fact, just a few weeks ago some pretty nasty, cold, slushy weather hit us, and I decided that this would be the best day to turn on my oven and try out some tasty new sweet treats!

My first step was to decide what to make. I headed right for PCHSearch&Win and started searching some ideas. Did I want to try a new type of cake? Maybe a new pie? After a few minutes of searching I found some delicious (and simple) cookie recipes that sounded delicious! The extra bonus was that I even found a gluten free version of some of the recipes for one of my friends! Now even she would be able to enjoy some of my sweet treats as well!

I searched through a few recipes until I landed on two that made my mouth water – Oatmeal Chocolate Chip and Snickerdoodles! They both sounded so tasty that I couldn’t pick just one, so I made them ALL!

The recipes I found from PCHSearch&Win were so easy to follow and used simple ingredients like flour (gluten free flour for the alternate recipe), butter, vanilla extract and sugar. The Snickerdoodles also used some cinnamon (which gives them their delicious taste) and some cream of tartar which I’ve never used in a recipe before! It was great getting to experience using a new ingredient and seeing what it added to the taste!

Once I had all the different doughs made, it was time to start getting them ready for baking. My house now felt super-toasty from the oven, and by the time the first batch of cookies were done the whole kitchen smelled like a delicious bakery.

(left to right) Gluten Free Snickerdoodles, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip and Regular Snickerdoodles!

So, how did they come out? Well based on the photo above I’d say they came out pretty amazing! They also only took between 8-10 minutes per batch so they were perfect for those times where you need a quick sweet treat!

Everyone who tried them fell in love and I must say I will definitely be making them again. In fact, they are going to be on my dessert menu for this upcoming weekend’s big game! Nothing says fun like some friends, some football and some delicious sweet treats!

Happy Baking!

Victoria P.
PCH Creative