Enter A PCH Sweepstakes Anytime, Anywhere!

Have you ever been stricken with the insatiable urge to enter a PCH Sweepstakes that very moment but couldn’t because you weren’t home in front of your PC? If so, I’m not surprised. Unfortunately, this is a hapless ailment we often see. It’s called “MPNBC” – Must Play Now But Can’t – syndrome, and it affects a lot of people every day! But PCH has found a way to abolish this horrible affliction – FOREVER! Thanks to the FREE PCH App, you can Enter A PCH Sweepstakes Anytime, Anywhere!
Was that a little melodramatic? Yeah, well, even still, it’s kind of true! I’m sure we’ve all been in that position once or twice, and it can be frustrating – especially if you’re impatient like me. That’s why I want to talk about the awesome (and super convenient) PCH App. If you don’t have it already, you should get it this minute!
Having the PCH App downloaded onto your mobile device (via Google Play or App Store ensures that you can enter a sweeps or play a game right there on the spot. No more dreading frustrating long lines and no more agonizing bouts of boredom in an overcrowded waiting room. Just open the PCH App and experience immediate gratification! How many of you have the PCH App, and what do you think about it?
There’s no more missing sweepstakes deadlines because you forgot to enter, either. With the PCH App, you can Enter A PCH Sweeps Anytime, Anywhere! You can even sign up for push notifications to keep you well informed! In case you’re not familiar with push notifications, they are just little messages that pop up on your mobile device alerting or reminding you of things you need to know. Whether it’s a brand new sweeps or an approaching deadline, you won’t miss a trick. Are you guys signed up for push notifications?
But that’s not all! “It’s not,” you ask? NO! There are so many other great reasons to download the PCH App. Check out this blog post by my friend and co-blogger, Joe W. He gets deep into the nitty gritty.
Download the PCH App NOW!
See? Actually, I can’t think of a single reason NOT to download the app. If you’re a PCHer, you’re entering sweepstakes. So best to be able to enter Anytime, Anywhere, right? Speaking of sweepstakes…
OK, everyone. I’m sure you get the point. For those of you who already have the PCH App and can Enter A PCH Sweeps Anytime, Anywhere, please share your thoughts, opinions, tips and tricks with the rest of the PCHer Family! You guys are our best resource! And for those of you who don’t already have the PCH App, I hope you download it today. And for all of you: Have a great PCH day!
Tina P.
Online Creative