Are You Doing Everything You Can to Win?

You’re trying really hard to win a PCH sweepstakes… you enter here, you enter there – you cross your fingers and toes – but are you doing everything you can to win? Are you even aware of all the many different ways to enter? Well just in case you’re not or you forgot, I’m going to go over a bunch of different ways you can enter… and you can win!
If you ask PCH Sweepstakes winners what their secrets to success are, they most often say to be persistent and to stay positive. That’s a great start, but another helpful idea is to enter from as many places as you can think of. Cast a wide net and you’re bound to catch a fish, right? Well, the same concept goes for entering PCH sweepstakes – the more you enter, the better your odds are at winning!
Are you doing everything you can to win? For instance, have you downloaded any PCH Apps? Have you downloaded all of them? PCH Apps offer rewards not otherwise available on desktop or mailings. Here is a great synopsis by my friend and fellow blogger, Russell. He gives detailed insight on lots of different ways you can enter to win:
Are You Hunting for All the Ways to Win at PCH?
Pretty interesting, right? Did you even know about PCHTV? Not only can you enter to win a sweepstakes from there, you can get super inspired when you watch those winning moments.
And there are so many other ways to enter… and to become a winner! Just about everywhere you go on PCH, there are opportunities waiting for you. Whether it’s an enormous life-changing SuperPrize or awesome smaller prizes like gift cards and cash, there is always an opportunity to win.
So, what do you think? Have you maximized your chances of winning a PCH sweepstakes? Have you ever won a PCH sweepstakes – big or small? Do you play Scratch Games to win? Maybe Token Games are more your thing? Do you have words of wisdom or advice to fellow PCHers? Legendary football coach, Vince Lombardi, once made a profound statement that makes a lot of sense. We quote him often, because his words are so apropos – a perfect sentiment for all PCHers:
In addition to taking advantage of as many entry opportunities as possible, determination also plays a huge role (and can really make the difference between winning and losing. Just ask $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize Winner, Diane Jehanian, who said, “But there’s no secret to winning. Just be diligent! You’ll never win if you don’t try. You never know!” Similarly, $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize Winner, Tamar Howard also attributes her huge win to tenacious persistence: “I entered every day – 10 times a day!”
That’s why we always urge you guys to keep entering. Once you give up, that’s that. It’s over and there’s no chance of winning. But if you keep entering… you never know! Are you guys determined? How do you stay motivated? Please share your thoughts below.
Now I’ll ask again one last time: are you doing everything you can to win? I hope so! And I also hope you picked up a tip or two on different ways to enter. Let me know how you feel about this, and please make sure to share your thoughts below.
Best of Luck!
Tina P.
Online Creative