Facebook Charity Event Update

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

The Give Back Charity Event is at the official halfway mark!  Which charity is at the top of the event leader board for the $25,000.00 Big Check?  Read on to find out!

I’m so excited! Today starts the third week of our four-week Facebook charity event The Give Back, which means we’re one step closer to finding out which organization will take home the $25,000.00 Big Check! As you know, we are thrilled to be giving back this holiday season — and it makes it even more special that fans like you are deciding which cause! Personally, I’ve had a blast watching the votes come in, but I have to admit, I’m on pins and needles! I’m just dying to find out which charity will end up with the most votes — and the $25,000.00 donation!

As loyal blog readers, I know you’ve all been following The Give Back charity event, too. That’s why I’ve decided to give you an inside look at the leader board. Which non-profit organization is in the lead for the big donation? By how many votes? And how close behind are the other charities?

Right now, our fans have put StandUp For Kids in 1st place with 10,558 votes. This not-for-profit is run by volunteers who go to the streets to find, stabilize and help homeless and street kids improve their lives. What an important cause!



Close behind with 8,295 fan votes is the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®). The nation’s leading voice for animal welfare, the ASPCA® is dedicated to ending animal homelessness and cruelty.  Another amazing charity!


And right behind them is Operation Homefront Tri-State with 7,728 fans votes. This non-profit provides direct services that alleviate the emergency financial burden of the families of our service members and wounded warriors. Truly remarkable!



I’m sure you would agree, any would be deserving of the big check! But it’s up to you to vote for your favorite. Whether that’s StandUp For Kids in first, ASPCA in second, or Operation Homefront in third, every charity still needs your help. Now that you’ve got an inside look at The Give Back charity event leader board, you can see that just 2,830 votes separate the first and third place contenders – so every vote really does count!

So friends, head over to our PCH Facebook fan page right now and get in on the fun! It’s fast, it’s easy, and you can do it every day for the next two weeks. You can also rally support for StandUp For Kids, ASPCA or Operation Homefront if you share on Facebook. Remember, you, our fans, are in control of the leader board so vote away!


Amanda C.

PCH Creative

P.S. Remember, every vote is another chance for YOU to win $5,000.00!

You’re running out of time to enter this week’s “Help Prize Patrol” game on the PCH Fan page. Enter your name, email, and the answer on the Lucky Check below for a chance to win cash prizes!

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