You Should Follow PCH On Instagram!

Last month, right here on this blog, you were asked what your PCH Fan Hashtag is. Now I’m going to tell you about a GREAT PLACE to use your PCH Fan Hashtag – PCH’s Instagram page, “PCHofficial!”
Stay Connected
Instagram is the way of today – from Instagram posts to “Instagram Story” to your Instagram followers … it’s a modern-day way to stay connected with people. On our PCHofficial Instagram page, we’ve connected with over 16,000 followers … and we’d love for you to follow “PCHofficial”, too! Go ahead now do it right from your phone, desktop, laptop, or tablet!
PCH Posts Keep You Up-To-Date
Our Social Media Team posts on Instagram often, to keep our fans up-to-date with PCH! There, you’ll see everything from Behind The Scenes looks, to highlighting previous winners , to keeping up the “winspiration,” to using great hashtags, such as #WinnerWednesday, #ThrowbackThursday and #FlashbackFriday! In fact, I’m shuffling through the PCHofficial Instagram page right now … there are so many great posts about PCHers, ways to win, PCH past winners … and so much more! Just listen to what PCH Social Media Coordinator Nelly O. has to say – she’ll tell you why you should follow the PCHofficial Instagram:
“PCHFans should follow our Instagram because we post a lot of our day-to-day PCH life there. Whether it’s a boomerang or in our Stories, fans can catch some exclusive behind-the-scenes content of our PCHers! And remember, Instagram Stories only last for 24 hours, so you’ve got be quick to catch some great gems!” – Nelly O.
What’s Brand New?
Nelly also provided some information on what’s brand new on our PCHofficial Instagram page:
“Our new weekly live chat, #InsidePCH, will premiere on July 25th and you’ll want to follow along on Instagram! Leading up and after, we’re going to post a lot of exclusive content on there. Like behind- the -scenes content, stories during the live show, messages from our crew plus more! We’re really excited for the weekly chat as it’s going to be a whole new side for PCH and Instagram is a great platform to showcase this.”
Be Sure To Connect With Us!
Great information, Nelly! Rewinding back to talking about your PCH Fan Hashtag, Nelly spoke about the importance of hashtagging as well:
“We love going through our brand hashtags and tags to see what our fans are saying or posting!”
Last but certainly not least, Nelly expressed what some of her favorite Instagram posts are:
“Any of our #WinningMoment posts! Our fans are so supportive and congratulatory so we love reading the messages to the winners from other fans.”
So now, just go ahead and click “Follow” on the “PCHOfficial” Instagram page! After that, you’ll see PCH updates right in your Instagram feed! PCH posts often, so you’ll see constant PCH images and captions! And when you see the PCH posts, you’ll be able to comment on them and “Like” as many as you choose! We at PCH love to hear from you, so please make sure to connect with us on Instagram!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative