Follow-Up With Publishers Clearing House Winner Martha Fryar!

Last Updated: May 26, 2017

It was April 28th, and Publishers Clearing House Prize Day! The Prize Patrol was out on the road, and fans were following along online to see who was going be the next big Publishers Clearing House winner! Now normally, winner Martha Fryar can’t wait for Prize Day because … well, you never know!

But on this Prize Day, she had forgotten all about it! She had to get her car inspected, so her mind was on other things. She and her friend headed to the car dealer… and meanwhile, Prize Patrol members Dave Sayer and Howie Guja were looking for their latest winner!

As Dave wrote in his recap, they had a neighbor call Martha to get her to come home, and thankfully she didn’t revealing anything!

Here’s her winning moment!


“I got the phone call to come home. I didn’t associate it with Publishers Clearing House at all,” she explained. “I was worried something happened to one of my family members. I was worried it could have been one of my kids or grandkids … but I know now!”

Martha and her friend pulled up to her house to see two other cars also stop at the other end of the street.

“I saw the one car open and the balloons pop up into the air. I turned to my friend and said ‘that’s Publishers Clearing House!’ I just knew it was them. Then I saw Dave with the check and Howie with the flowers.”

Martha was always a big believer in our sweepstakes, and always knew that Publishers Clearing House winners were real. But that day she was truly shocked!

“My mind went blank, honestly. I was just excited … I know I was crying. I pulled my sunglasses off and I just remembered saying something like ‘I’m going to give some of it to my kids!’ I’ve got 3 kids and 6 grandkids. The money’s also going to give me a cushion.  It’s something I didn’t have!”

Not an impulse buyer by any means, Martha’s plans for the money are pretty conservative. In addition to giving some to her kids, she plans on setting some aside for retirement and maybe a trip to Colorado.

If you’re wondering what the secret is to winning $1,000,000.00, Publishers Clearing House winner Martha has become a source of information!

“I’ve been entering for so long, I couldn’t tell you! I’m 80, and I’ve done it as far back as I can remember. My mom did it too! In fact, one friend from high school recently asked me to help her do her entries to make sure she was doing it right! And I’m still entering!”

For anyone looking for inspiration, Martha had this to say:

“… just have faith in it. Just stick with it. Send it in and think positive! I always had a feeling that I could someday win. And I guess that’s a good feeling to have. And I feel the same the same way now.  I could actually win another one!”

We love Martha’s positive attitude and belief that she could win a second time. Hey, lightning can strike twice! We wish her the best, and all you as well! Remember, you have to be in it to win it!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. – What would YOU do with your prize money if you were to become a Publishers Clearing House winner? Tell us in the comments section below!