The “Forever” Prize Could Help You Leave A Legacy For Your Family
I’m sure you’ve dreamt about how your life would change if the Prize Patrol showed up at your front door with a “Big Check.” It’s fun imagining what you would buy … where you would go … what you could do as a SuperPrize winner.
Start dreaming big because PCH is prepared to award a “Forever” Prize in our next Special Early Look event on August 31st! We hear from our fans that if they won, one of the first things they would do with the money is to help their family. That’s what makes the Publishers Clearing House “Forever” Prize so great! It has an easy way to leave a legacy built right into it.
So how does the legacy aspect of the PCH “Forever” Prize work? You see, if you win “Forever” next month, you’ll receive $5,000 A Week For Life, then after that, those payments would continue on to someone special you select. Just to be clear, that’s five thousand dollars week after week, month after month, year after year for the rest of a winner’s life THEN, those same payments would continue for the life of a winner’s beneficiary. It’s a prize of TWO lifetimes! What could be better than that?
Wouldn’t it be great to know that you could leave future generations with a financially sound future? If you win the “Forever” Prize, that dream would become a reality for you. I’m certain our recent “Forever” Prize Winner Tamar Howard appreciates having some peace of mind now, knowing that her three daughters will have a lasting financial legacy.
Have you thought about whom you would name as your beneficiary if you win on August 31st? Would it be a child? A grandchild? A younger sibling or close friend? If you won, that would be a VERY important decision to make! Just remember, if you want to see Danielle, Todd, Dave and Howie of the Prize Patrol at your front door, you have to enter the PCH Sweepstakes. Enter as often as you can at, PCHSearch&Win, PCHlotto and our other PCH sites! You’d do just about anything for your family, right? So take a few minutes to enter now and keep it up! After all, our recent winners tell us that their persistence really paid off!
Good luck,
Elaina R.
PCH Creative
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