Get To Know The Newest Prize Patrol Member: Howie!

Last Updated: January 26, 2016

Hi PCH fans!

Howie Prize Patrol

It’s me, Howie! First and foremost, I want to thank all of you for such a warm welcome! I’m beyond excited to be an official member of the Prize Patrol! I can’t think of a more fun job than traveling around the country making people happy and changing their lives with a Big Check from Publishers Clearing House!

Secondly, I’ve had a lot of fun reading through your comments and questions and thought I’d use this opportunity to tell you a little bit more about myself. I’ve been at PCH for 10 years, primarily working behind the scenes in our photography and video studios. One day while working with Danielle on set, she asked me if I would be interested in performing in front of the camera. I was surprised at first, but jumped at the opportunity. Some of you may have seen me in the Howie Helps series of videos that stemmed from that initial conversation! It wasn’t long before Danielle also asked me to help out with delivering prizes on the road. Seeing the look of pure joy and shock on the winners faces had me hooked. It’s an incredible feeling to literally show up at someone’s door completely unannounced and hand them a BIG check! My friends and family think I have the best job ever!

When I’m not working at PCH, I love spending time outdoors – fishing, sailing, and paddleboarding are just some of my favorite activities. I also love history and architecture. Many of you wanted to know if I drink coffee and how I take it. Coffee is one of my favorite drinks and I prefer it with just milk – no sugar. I live in New York with my family and we have several pets, a dog Sailor, a cat Sandy, and a horse named Sean!

I can’t wait until we hit the road again, and who knows, maybe it will be YOU making me my next cup of coffee!

Howie Guja
PCH Prize Patrol Elite Team

P.S. Is there anything else you’d like to know about me or being on the Prize Patrol? Comment below and let me know!

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