Goodbye Mega Prize…Hello New Prize!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Advice following Mega Prize award: Keep Plugging Away and for a New Prize Opportunity, Enter Our Online Sweepstakes!

It’s often been said that when one door closes, another one opens. At PCH, we share a similar philosophy. But instead of talking about philosophical doors, we talk Online Sweepstakes prizes. For us, when one prize ends, another one begins. And so, as we bid adieu to the fantastic Mega Prize from Giveaway #1400 and wish Mega Prize winner Leroy Faulks, Sr. all the best with his newfound money, let us say welcome to … PCH Giveaway #1830.

That’s right folks, you can wipe away those tears — there’s something big to be excited about again! But, for your chance to win this new prize, you’re going to need to reclaim that winning attitude I know you all have inside of you. You’re going to need to “keep plugging away,” as they say, and enter our Online Sweepstakes.  Do it every chance you get!

Take a cue from Leroy Faulks, Sr., our Mega Prize winner. Contest Manager Maryann Carter just informed me that Leroy was one of our most active Online Sweepstakes entrants! Did he ever give up after not winning? No! He kept plugging away, and now he’s celebrating with a new prize worth $1,000,000.00 Plus $5,000.00 A Week For Life!

Besides, you don’t see us giving up, do you? No! We’re going to keep giving away more and more prizes to more and more winners. After all, we’ve got dreams to make come true for our lucky fans and entrants!

So if you still want your chance to make your dreams come true, keep plugging away and entering our Online Sweepstakes.  Do it often, every day, even! When you do, be sure to keep a lookout for our new Super Prize, Giveaway 1830. Soon you’ll be seeing it all over PCH — on, PCH Search and Win, PCHGames and more. Won’t you give it the warm welcome it so deserves by entering?

Amanda C.

PCH Creative