Got Bills? Turn Them Into Dollar Bills!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013



Got bills? Who doesn’t! But isn’t it time you turned them into the good ones ­– dollar bills!

Become the next winner of our Online Sweepstakes and turn bills to pay into dollar bills!

I hate getting bills to pay! There’s nothing I dread more. I’ll be happily checking my mail, looking for an exciting Publishers Clearing House package or a note from a friend, and then I notice I got bills. Rent, phone, medical, they’re all such a drag. And the worst part is, just when you think you’re done paying them, they come again the next month!

What about you…you got bills too, right? Of course you do, and I’m quite certain everyone hates them like I do. In fact, sometimes I wish I had a fairy godmother who could just say “poof” and make them all disappear!

Well unfortunately, I haven’t seen any proof that fairy godmothers exist, but I know something else that definitely exists and is even better – the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol of course! They use Online Sweepstakes money to turn bills to pay into the kind you want … dollars! You know, the crisp green ones with Ben Franklin and Ulysses S. Grant on them. And they’re always looking for their next winner!

In fact, this August 31st, the Prize Patrol is prepared to award our next winner with an incredible $5000 A Week For Life in the Online Sweepstakes! Now that’s a whole lot of dollars, enough to cover all those debts and so much more. And the best part is, they keep coming week after week after week!

So if you got bills and want to turn them into dollar bills, enter to win the Publishers Clearing House Online Sweepstakes today at! The Prize Patrol could end up surprising you as the next winner, and then the only bills you’d have stacking up would be the good ones!

Amanda C.

PCH Creative