Happy Thanksgiving!

Last Updated: November 19, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving! We’d like to wish you and your loved ones a happy Thanksgiving Day! PCH Sweepstakes hopes your day is filled with delicious food, laughs with happy people, and good times with good company. After all, that is what the holiday season is all about; spreading cheer and joy to others.

How are you spending your Thanksgiving Day? I’ll tell you how I’m spending mine; I get together with my big family for a turkey feast. And this year, the Thanksgiving Holiday is a little extra special: My best friend will be in town from Arizona to eat our Thanksgiving feast with my family! Rumor has it that she will be baking a fresh pumpkin pie for us; we’ll see!

What are you thankful for? We at PCH wanted to take this moment to tell you how thankful we are for fans like you. Your dedication, support, and winning attitude make us so happy to provide you with more ways to win prizes from PCH Sweepstakes.

I, myself, am particularly thankful for many things this year. I’m thankful that I have a big loving family that I see often. I’m thankful for my boyfriend who shows me continuous support, understanding, and care. I’m thankful for all of my friends near and far that cheer me on through my life endeavors and successes. I’m thankful that I have amazing coworkers at PCH that bring a smile to my face every time I step into the office. I’m thankful to be able to communicate with so many wonderful PCH fans through my blog posts, writing about PCH Sweepstakes… and yes, that includes you!

Thank you for your wonderful kindness and staying in it to win it at PCH Sweepstakes. We are happy that our prize wins make the difference in so many people’s lives and bring hope to so many families. We at PCH wish you a Thanksgiving Day filled with love, cheer, and a delicious meal with loved ones.

Have a Happy Holiday!

Nicole M.
PCH Creative