Have You Downloaded the Frontpage App Yet?

Hey there, friends and fans! Excited for the upcoming weekend? I know I am—but I know something that could make it even more exciting for you: downloading the PCHfrontpage App!
You probably are already familiar with the fun that is PCHfrontpage , where your searching can win you incredible prizes, including the upcoming “Set For Life” prize when we take a special early look for a winner of Gwy. 11000 on April 27th! You can also check out the latest news, the day’s weather, watch informative videos, and even find out about your horoscope!
But have you downloaded the Frontpage App?
If not, friends, either you’re closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the lack of the Frontpage App on your phone! Well, ya got trouble, my friend, right here, I say trouble, right there, on your mobile devices…
Okay, maybe that was just a little dramatic. But did you know that when you use the Frontpage App, you get DOUBLE the amount of Tokens offered anywhere else on PCHfrontpage?
And speaking of Tokens, you’ll get 25,000 Tokens just for downloading the app! That’s right, before you even do anything in the app, you get an amazing Token reward! And then every day you visit the app, you’ll get an increasing Token reward—up to 10,000 a day!
Beyond being a great way to grow your Token collection, the Frontpage App is an awesome new tool for searching the web! Much like its desktop counterpart, you can use it to browse the internet for whatever knowledge you seek!
Looking for the best new grill to buy? Find reviews with the Frontpage App!
Planning your next vacation but don’t know the destination? Look for ideas on the Frontpage App!
Unsure who played Angelica Schuyler in the original Broadway cast of Hamilton? Search for answers on the Frontpage App!
Whatever questions you have that need answers, you can find them searching on the Frontpage App! And with the Frontpage App, you can also get chances to win major prizes, including the upcoming $7,000.00 A Week “Set For Life” Prize!
But Frontpage also gives you articles to read and videos to watch: something especially cool about the Frontpage App is that you can customize it to your preferences! That’s right, on your Frontpage App feed, you can select what topics and categories you’re interested in!
Last but not least, with the Frontpage App, you’ll be given daily missions to complete. If you successfully do so, you’ll be given a shot at $10,000.00, instant cash! You can unlock FIVE shots to win!
The Frontpage App will let you make the most out of your searching experience! So if you haven’t already, download the app now!
Will F.
PCH Creative
PS: What are some things you want to search for on Frontpage? New recipes? Best airlines? TV suggestions? Let us know in the comments below!