Holiday Greetings from Dave Sayer of the PCH Prize Patrol

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Holiday Greetings and Hello PCH Blog readers,

Every year I send a holiday greetings letter to our many, many friends who have won Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes prizes in the past. It’s a great way to keep in touch, and everyone enjoys reading about our Prize Patrol adventures over the last twelve months. I thought that you, as regular PCH Blog readers, might enjoy reading this year’s letter as well — so here it is.


to your house — from the Prize Patrol — at Publishers Clearing House

We hope that 2010 has been a good year for you and yours. It has been a good one for us – with lots of sweepstakes excitement, new winners and expansion of our online business.

For those PCH employees whose jobs also include Prize Patrol duties, the best part is traveling all over the USA and surprising lucky Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes winners. We made twenty-one trips since we last wrote – delivering roses, balloons and Big Checks!

As last year’s holiday greetings letter was in the mail we surprised Timothy Lotz of Washington State ($25,000) and Patricia Schoelkopf of New Jersey ($10,000). January brought $10,000 prizes to Beth Hillis and Janet Theriaque, both of Tennessee, Rebecca Sanford of Wisconsin and Kay Fleitz of New Mexico.

In February excitement reigned as we surprised Marilyn Ragin of Florida with a $1 Million SuperPrize winner while she was at a church luncheon. $10,000 prizes were also delivered to Terry Burns of Texas and Mary Mangan of Ohio.

In March we surprised Long Island neighbor Jean Rizzo with $5,000. Then within a month there were two trips to the same Wisconsin town (Appleton): $10,000 for Jon Knostenberg and $100,000 Tax Free for Richard Maigatter. So you see, lightning can strike twice.

Summer brought surprise visits to Stephanie Sasso (New York – $10,000) and Delbert Harris (Texas – $10,000). Then Lady Luck smiled on Joe Beane of Las Vegas, NV as he won our next $1 Million SuperPrize.

It was all treat and no trick as Jeff Jones of Massachusetts won our $100,000 Halloween prize. In recent weeks we awarded $10,000 checks to Colette Wallace of Texas, Diana Stone of Louisiana and Lou Lacerra of Connecticut. In addition, Pat Ticknor of Wisconsin was surprised with $20,000.

Our Thanksgiving $1 Million SuperPrize was delivered to Julie Laughlin of Michigan. Her emotional winning moment and many others can be seen at Log-on and enjoy! And don’t forget to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes online at Maybe one of our big 2011 prizes could be yours.

Throughout every year it is always my pleasure to reconnect with former prize winners — by mail, phone, e-mails or even in person. It’s such a joy to re-live winning moments and to catch up. That is something I will miss as I retire at year-end from nearly thirty years of getting to know hundreds of wonderful people who it has been my privilege to surprise with good news. I hope that if I happen to find myself in your neck of the woods in the future you won’t mind my knocking on your door and saying hello, even if I don’t have a Big Check in hand.

The PCH Prize Patrol remains in excellent hands. Todd Sloane, my esteemed colleague and co-founder of the Prize Patrol, carries on, and Danielle Lam will be traveling all over the place while assuming winner relations responsibilities. I may even come along on some prize awards and write blogs from time to time – because it won’t be easy leaving such a wonderful job.

All the employees of Publishers Clearing House join me in sending you our holiday greetings with warmest wishes for a blessed holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Dave Sayer

Executive Director


P.S. To all you PCH Blog readers: As noted above, I will be retiring from “active duty” soon but will still remain a contributor to our blog site — because I have really enjoyed corresponding with you and reading your comments. All the best, Dave