Holiday Shopping Season Is Upon Us! Get Prepared with PCHSearch&Win!

The countdown has begun! Halloween has come and gone, November has officially started and we’ve now ventured into the craziest time of year – holiday shopping season! Whether you are a last-minute scrambler, dedicated Black Friday shopper or Cyber Monday pro PCHSearch&Win is here to get you prepared and make your shopping experience MUCH less stressful this year. Let’s check out some great ways that you can use PCHSearch&Win to make these trips quick, efficient and even fun!
Lists, Lists, Lists!
It sounds totally crazy, fans, but actually taking the time to make a list of items you want to buy, potentially want to buy etc., makes a huge difference when you are stuck in the middle of a crowded mall or department store. One too many times in the past have I been that shopper who is completely overwhelmed without a game plan for what I needed or wanted to buy. Holiday shopping season is NOT the time for window shopping. Just hit your local mall on any weekend and you’ll understand why.
I’m happy to say that, as a dedicated Black Friday shopper, (my best friend and I go every year, 5:30AM sharp for over 7 years now) I NEVER leave for my excursion without my list of items, sales, stores I want to get into and more. It’s really worked out excellently over the past few years, and it’s super easy to get started with PCHSearch&Win. For instance, last year I knew I was intending to buy 2 big-ticket items: a gaming console for my husband and a new iPad for myself. I spent a few minutes on PCHSearch&Win to find out where they had special bundle offers, opening times for each store it was available in, and any special discounts or deals for Black Friday shoppers. Happy to say I was able to get both items, at discounted prices, without those crazy lines! It was totally worth it.
Become an Online Shopping Pro
To be honest, fans, I was never a huge fan of online shopping. I hate paying shipping costs, I don’t like spending money and not immediately getting my item, and nothing puts a thorn in my side like a late or delayed delivery. Thankfully, all this changed when I discovered online shopping through Amazon AND when I first discovered Cyber Monday.
As I said earlier, being a dedicated Black Friday shopper, I never paid much attention to Cyber Monday, until a few years ago when the ONE item I set out for on Black Friday was completely sold out. I thought to myself, goodbye discounts, goodbye high-demand item. That was until, of course, I received a Cyber Monday email featuring my desired item. I figured why not give it a shot and, boy, was I happy I did!
So, if your dream item got sold out (or you just feel like shopping in your PJs from your couch), don’t worry, fans! Log on to PCHSearch&Win and check out some of those Cyber Monday deals! Some of the discounts are too good to believe and many places waive those awful shipping fees, or offer discounted fees with a minimum purchase amount!
As you can see, fans, I am a very organized shopper. I wasn’t always that way (I was that last-minute shopper in the mall the day before Christmas Eve without fail) and I credit a lot of my organizational skills to the results I’ve found using PCHSearch&Win! Trust me, it’s a great tool for making sure you get the most out of your shopping experience. Oh, and don’t forget that once you log in your first search of the day automatically enters you in the FABULOUS PCH sweepstakes and each search gives you the chance to INSTANTLY win some amazing prizes and gift cards! How can you beat that?
Happy (organized) shopping to all!
Victoria P.
PCH Creative