How Loud Would You Yell If You Won A PCH SuperPrize?

Winning the PCH SuperPrize next month would be the surprise of a lifetime, especially since winning that money would mean monthly payments of $25,000.00 for the rest of your life!
Now tell us: If you won the $25,000.00 A Month For Life PCH SuperPrize, how loud would you yell? Just think about it: In just a few short weeks the Prize Patrol van could pull into the driveway of your home or in the street in front of your house, or even surprise you at work, if you win the PCH Sweepstakes … yes, that could happen to YOU!
So take a moment now and picture it all happening to you on June 30th. How would you react? Think about those monthly checks coming in month after month, and what it would mean for you to have that kind of financial freedom. How do you react to GREAT news? Are you a yeller, a screamer, a shouter when you get excited? Or, are you the type of person who gets quiet as a mouse when you get overwhelmed with emotion? Let us know in the comments below!
There are so many ways to react when incredible moments in your life happen, like winning BIG money. But don’t you worry. You don’t have to choose how loud you would yell until that very moment! No matter how you would react during your winning moment, the reality is that you’ve got to enter to win in order to make that moment happen!
We’ll be taking a Special Early Look to see If the matching winning number for our $25,000.00 A Month For Life prize event has been returned on time. If not, we guarantee to award a $1,000,000.00 prize to an alternate winner in a second chance random drawing from among all timely entries. So be sure to enter every chance you get.
What are you waiting for? Go ahead and make sure you grab as many entries to win these PCH prize funds as possible — that way, you know you’ll have plenty of chances to change your life for the better on June 30th!
We want to hear from you now! Comment below and please tell us how loud you would yell if you saw the Prize Patrol arrive at your home with a “Big Check” for a PCH SuperPrize in just weeks!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative