How The PCH Prize Patrol Prepares To Make Dreams Come True!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Do you ever daydream about opening the front door and seeing Dave Sayer, Todd Sloane and I standing there with a BIG Publishers Clearing House check? Does the idea of the PCH Prize Patrol showing up at YOUR door make your heart flutter with excitement?  Does the mere thought of winning big money make your adrenaline rush?  I’m sure it does because PCH winning moments are simply EXCITING…but not only for the winners…for the Prize Patrol too!

With the BIG $1,000,000.00 Plus $5,000.00 A Week For Life November 30th Mega Prize Event  approaching I have been finding it hard to sleep. I lay in bed cuddling with my puppies just staring at the ceiling thinking about how we get to make dreams come true on the big day.   Every single PCH winning moment is unique so the possibilities of how the delivery will go are endless!

Will the winner be home? Will it be a man or a woman? Will they cry? Will they scream? Will they faint (don’t worry I’ll catch you!)? Will the neighbors come watch? Will local media join in on the surprise? Will the weather be cold or hot? What is the first thing the winner will do with the money????? 

Believe it or not, even after being on the Prize Patrol Elite team for over two years, I still get a little nervous. I mean awarding a lucky winner with a BIG check is a life changing experience and I want to do everything I can to make it PERFECT!  I even have a special routine before every single prize delivery.  You may laugh at me…but I created an acronym to make sure I remember everything for a PCH Prize Patrol trip:  CUPID!  It’s the PERFECT word to help me remember everything because when I award lucky winners with BIG checks, I feel like I’m on Cloud 9!

So this is how I prepare to make dreams come true for lucky Publishers Clearing House winners! Do YOU have any pre-event rituals? Do YOU have a checklist to make sure you are entering as much as possible for YOUR chance to win the incredible Mega Prize?  What about lucky charms – do you have any of those?  Comment below and let me know…I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

I wish all of you who entered to win BIG on November 30th the BEST of luck….and don’t forget you can still enter right now by clicking on this link!

Danielle Lam
PCH Prize Patrol Elite