How to Win at PCH – Without Really Trying

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Do you know how to win a ton of money?  It’s possible and easy with an online entry at!

“How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” a classic musical comedy from the 1960’s, is getting a first-class revival on Broadway, and it’s playing to sell-out audiences.  Is the show popular because it stars Daniel Radcliffe of “Harry Potter” fame?  Or is it because folks want to find out how to succeed “money-wise” without really trying?

Well, believe me: it’s possible for a person to win a ton of money without trying very hard simply by entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, then trusting Lady Luck to do the rest.

You can ask any one of our PCH millionaires how to win – like Larry Brown or Karen Anderson or Joe Beane or Marilyn Ragin – and they will tell you it took virtually no effort to win Million Dollar SuperPrizes from Publishers Clearing House.  The typical reaction has been “It was easy!  I entered online at and – WOW! – the Prize Patrol arrived with roses, balloons, champagne AND a Big Check – with MY NAME on it!”

Yes indeed; it sounds as unbelievable as a scene from a Daniel Radcliffe/Harry Potter movie.  But trust me: I’ve been there and can assure you that the winning moments you see on TV and at are absolutely real.  No special effects!

Here’s something else you can believe:  Some lucky person will get the thrill of a lifetime this November 30 when the Prize Patrol knocks on his or her door and announces “YOU have just won the PCH MEGA PRIZE!  Here is $1 MILLION – on the spot – PLUS $5000.00 a week — every single week – for the rest of your life!”

Yes-sir-ee: Someone is GUARANTEED to come into this gigantic fortune just weeks from now thanks to Publishers Clearing House’s decision to end Giveaway 1400 earlier than originally planned.

Now I am not accusing anyone of being lazy; but if you are the kind of person who is wondering how to win and looking for an easy way to riches, THIS is the mega prize opportunity for you: Go to and ENTER the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes at once.   And don’t forget to return to every day between now and the November 18 deadline for more chances to enter and win.

Wishing you the best of luck!

Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador