How Would $1 Million PLUS $1,000 A Week For Life Change Your Life? Here’s 10 Ways How!

How many of you have ever sat there, surrounded by a pile of bills or in sight of something new that you’ve wanted and thought “man, I wish I had some extra cash right now.” Let me tell you, fans, I’ve been there more than once. Life can get pretty expensive at times and we’ve all felt it more times than none. Well, I have some good news. With the exciting PCH sweepstakes, some extra cash could be on its way to you with our $1 Million PLUS $1,000 A Week For Life super prize!
Can you imagine the Prize Patrol rolling up to your house, big check in hand? This dream could become a reality in just a few weeks when your favorite prize awarding team hits the road to make another PCH millionaire! So, have you ever thought about how this insane prize could change your life? Let’s take a look at 10 ways all this extra dough could change your life forever!
- You Could Buy Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want It!
That’s right, fans. That new dress you wanted? YOURS! The new car you wanted: also YOURS! Of course, the list goes on and on. Never again would you have to think “I’ll have to wait until payday to get that.” What a sweet life!
- Purchase That Dream Home (Or Fix Up Your Current Home)
Seriously, fans, I think the first thing I would do with ALL that cash is expand my current home. My husband and I bought our home two years ago and it was newly renovated, so it’s in pretty good shape. We love where we live so if we got that kind of cash (sadly, PCH employees cannot win any of our sweepstakes, but you can!) the first thing I would want to do is expand our second floor, update all our bathrooms and put in a brand-new pool. If you don’t already live in your dream home, then you could do the same! Or you could go out and purchase that huge mansion you’ve always dreamed up. The sky is the limit!
- Spoil Friends And Family With Gifts, Gifts and More Gifts!
Think about all the times you’ve wanted to spoil your family and friends (or even your pets!) but, sadly, did not have the money to do so. With $1 million PLUS $1,000.00 A Week For Life you’d have plenty of money to do so!
- Finally Eliminate Your Debt
We all have debt. No one likes to be drowning in and endless sea of bills. With that amount of money, you could pay off all your bills and live a debt free life!
- Travel The World
Imagine being able to take weeks upon weeks off work and travel the world? For most of us, that lifestyle is not possible. If you won the PCH super prize however, you could absolutely take that big trip you’ve always dreamed of.
- Buy That Fancy Car (or Cars)!
That old car you’ve been trying to make last can finally take a rest! If you were the winner of the PCH super prize you could buy the car of your dreams!
- Donate To Your Favorite Charity
Imagine being able to write a hefty check to your favorite charity or organization? Sure, we all try to donate whenever we can but with all this extra dough, you could make a contribution that is sure to make everyone smile.
- Spend More Time Volunteering
Do you love volunteering to make a difference in the world? Now, what if you could work less and volunteer more? If you were the next big PCH millionaire, then you could definitely spend more time away from work and more time making a difference!
- Help Friends Or Family Members
We all have that friend or family member who has fallen on hard times. Even though the old saying that money can’t buy happiness is true, money can absolutely help out a loved one in need.
- Open A Business
I am serious, PCH fans! Even though working is the last thing many people think of doing after winning millions, think about how cool it would be to have your money keep making money! Personally, this would be one of the first things on my list if I won a ton of cash. It’s a fun way to keep active and contribute to your community.
Do any of these life changing ideas seem interesting to you, PCH fans? I would hope so since some of them sound pretty darn good (hello new car and updated house!). If becoming a millionaire is something you’d love to experience, then what are you waiting for? Enter right now, each and every way you can, and get those entries in. Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Good Luck!
Victoria P.
PCH Creative