How Would You Like ‘The Million Dollar Look’?

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

There’s an ad in The New York Times for a Hong Kong clothes-maker who promises a “Million Dollar Look” to the person who buys a “CEO Package” of suits for $1,699 or a “President Package” of apparel for $1,099 or a variety of shirts, slacks and tuxedos at expensive prices.

Well, that purchase might make you LOOK like a million; but I maintain it would be better to WIN a million – from Publishers Clearing House. And you wouldn’t have to purchase a thing. In fact, you could win a lot more than a million: maybe $10 Million or $5,000 A Week for Life!

Mark Twain said “Clothes make the man.” But wouldn’t you rather have a fabulous SuperPrize from Publishers Clearing House than mere clothes?

If your answer is “You betcha,” you’ve come to the right place. No need to go to the mall or a department store or a fashion boutique. You can get that Million Dollar Look the minute our Prize Patrol knocks on your door with balloons, roses and a Big Check and announces, “You are a winner in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!”
I’ve yet to meet a new PCH millionaire who didn’t give our video camera a Million Dollar reaction – and I’ve known over fifty of them among hundreds of other winners. Sometimes the reaction is a gigantic smile; sometimes it’s a weakening of the knees and a sinking to the floor; sometimes it’s big crocodile tears; sometimes it’s a jubilant ‘Hallelujah” – like Marilyn Ragin’s recent “winning moment” which you can see here.

But it’s always a Million Dollar Look: a look that I’m sure you’ll give us if you win.

As I said, you’ve come to the right place. Just click here on this link to where you can enter our sweepstakes right now — and where you can enter every day to increase you chances of winning.

Here’s hoping you’ll enter, WIN, and give us a Million Dollar Look!

Good luck!

Dave Sayer

Executive Director