If you won $7,000 A Week For Life, What Dream Home Would You Buy?

Last Updated: April 22, 2015

Dream Home

Hi folks!

We’re almost there! That’s right, our $7,000 A Week For Life Special Early Look prize event is quickly approaching. In fact, we’re just DAYS away from making one lucky winner’s dreams come true! Now that all the entries are in, it’s time to sit back and dream about everything you could do if you won (well if you entered, of course)!

From reading your comments on this blog, it’s clear a lot of you would purchase a new dream home! You know that special place for you and your family that you’ve been fantasizing about…ahhhh, I could just see mine now! For me, my dream home would reside in the country near a beautiful lake…one where I could waterski and swim during the days…and cozy up with a book (and some s’mores!) at night. Ahhhh, I could just taste them now!

What about you, blog readers? What would your perfect home be like?

Would it be…

  1. A modern home in the suburbs (think multiple bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, and a terrific piece of property)
  2. A farm house in the country (you know, the kind with a sprawling lawn, wrap-around porch, and one of those big tire swings out front…)
  3. A spacious city penthouse (complete with the latest furnishings and the greatest view of the city skyline ever)

It’s a tough choice! Maybe 1 of each??? That sounds nice, doesn’t it? Well, we want to know what YOU think, so please comment below and let us know!

Amanda C.
PCH Creative

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