Interview with PCH Social Media Coordinator, Nelly O.!

As a big fan of social media myself, I was happy to sit down with PCH Social Media Coordinator Nelly O. to learn more about how social media flows at PCH. We chatted all about PCH; what her job is like day to day, the comments she loves to hear from fans, and what she’s looking forward to most about this Winter’s annual PCH Holiday Party (yes, it’s months away… but it’s never too early to plan for the party of the year!).
So, what’s it like day to day for PCH Social Media Coordinator, Nelly O.?
Day to day, I come in and I check how the posts have done overnight… anything that’s out of the ordinary or interesting. I do the “check-ins” across all the platforms… not just Facebook, but Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus. Our community is so engaging with us. They are so communicative to what they want, and want to see.
Through social media, PCH updates our fans on all of the exciting ways they could enter to win PCH sweepstakes. So, what social media websites should our fans use to stay up-to-date with PCH?
Facebook is our biggest community; we are continuously posting there throughout the day. But that’s not to say you shouldn’t go to Twitter and Instagram!
What should our fans keep in mind when visiting these PCH social media pages?
There’s a lot there. We’re going to give you information about what’s happening in terms of our SuperPrize. We also have our Facebook game you could play once a day. We let you know the daily tournaments that are happening. We post about consumer protection: we constantly post about what to do if you’re getting hit by scammers, if you’re unsure about who is contacting you, and where to go to post a scam report. We also post advice on customer service issues. Our customer service is always there to answer your questions.
There are many great comments on PCH’s social media pages you see day to day. What are some of your favorite comments you have ever read on our social media sites?
That’s so difficult to answer! We have a lot of people that are just very thankful for us. And that’s so endearing and so motivating.
We know you love hearing from the fans. Anything you’d like to say to them, here?
Thank you for following us on social, especially since we’re about to have 2 Million fans on Facebook. Thank you for engaging with our content and always being very open with us. Thank you for being so supportive of our Facebook Lives when we award winners. It’s such a great, warm community and it’s nice to see that. Continue doing that!
Side note question, from one employee to another… as of now, what are you looking forward to most about the annual PCH Holiday Party?
I just had my first one this year, I thought it was such a beautiful event. This year, I definitely would like to try to do a social component, like a live photo booth stream, so that the PCH community can see all the PCHers behind the scenes!
Now, take Nelly’s advice and visit PCH’s social media sites to stay up to date with winning opportunities and more!
If you have any questions for Nelly, please ask them in the comments section below!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative