Is the PCH Prize Patrol Real? Of course!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Last week I gave a talk – largely about my career at Publishers Clearing House – to a group of intelligent people, and I got a fine reception. But I was amazed by this fairly typical reaction: “I’m going to be honest with you, Dave: until now I didn’t think that Prize Patrol stuff you see on TV was real.”

Actually, I was perplexed by this feedback – for at least two reasons. (1) We’ve been airing Prize Patrol commercials for over 20 years. Certainly they couldn’t survive media and regulatory scrutiny all that time if PCH was not totally real and legitimate. And (2): This was a church group of people, some of whom knew me pretty well. How could they think that a person like ME would be involved in any kind of activity that wasn’t totally honest and above-board? Did they truly believe that the “winning moments” featured in our TV commercials were “not for real”?

Well, my presentation convinced them all that the PCH Prize Patrol is real! I gave them all ballpoint pens with the Prize Patrol/ logo on it and told them to hurry home and enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes – which I’m sure many did.

Now I have to be ready for a second round of comments – like: “Well, just as you suggested Dave: I entered the sweepstakes – at In fact I entered three times, and I still didn’t win!”

Does anyone expect to win a state lottery or a giant contest like ours on the first try? Of course not. Yes, on occasion some lucky person will have beginner’s luck. But most have to try, try, and try again.

So I encourage you to enter today, tomorrow and every day. That will get your name “in the pot” so to speak many more times, giving you more opportunities to enter. You have nothing to lose — and possibly millions to gain!

And remember: You can see many of our recent winners and their “winning moments” at And believe me: they are real!

Good luck.

Dave Sayer
Executive Director