It’s A Race To The Finish For The Big Prize!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Ladies and gentlemen: Start your engines…The 96th running of the Indianapolis 500 mile race (the Indy 500) is just 2 days away on Sunday, May 27th, and it’s sure to be one wild race to the finish!

Now, I’m no speed demon or car buff myself, but even I will tune in for the Indy 500! After all, it’s one of the 3 most significant motorsports events in the world! Held annually the last weekend in May in Speedway, Indiana, the drivers race to the finish at super high speeds for 200 laps — or 500 miles! There are twists and turns, and one thing is for sure: anything can happen!

Sound familiar? It does to me! Like another race… for the big SuperPrize event! And wouldn’t you know it, that big prize race is just days away on Thursday, May 31st. Seven days to be exact!

Let’s take a look “under the hoods” and compare.

1)    The drivers in the Indy 500 compete for a big prize. And guess what? So do enterers of the PCH Sweepstakes! Although I have to say, I think our prize event is bigger and better. I mean $5,000.00 A Week For Life? If that doesn’t get your engine revving, I don’t know what will!

2)    AWESOME RIDES! That’s right. The drivers’ cars sure are hooked up with their wild colors, stripes and numbers, but the PCH Prize Patrol van…you can’t deny that it’s one sweet ride!


3)    Just like you never know what’s going to happen when you watch those cars racing at high speeds, the Prize Patrol never knows what’s going to happen when they go to award a big prize. Will the winner be home? What will his or her reaction be? ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Well, like I said, the race to the finish for the Indy 500 and the May 31st $5,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize Event is on! In fact, the Prize Patrol will start “warming up” for the winning moment soon! I don’t know about you…but I’m all revved up to find out what the big day will bring…remember, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Amanda C., PCH Creative

Amanda C.
PCH Creative