Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Good news travels fast, especially when PCH arrives with a Big Check!

Every now and then when the PCH Prize Patrol arrives at a winner’s home in anticipation of a surprise winning moment, the person who answers the doorbell is not the winner.  So we hear exclamations like “Oh my gosh, he’s at work” or “Oh, no, she just went out shopping!”

We quickly realize that the person opening the door to the good news is afraid that the Big Check – worth thousands or millions of dollars — could be presented to somebody else, and that is not a happy thought!  After all, the absentee has been entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes for years – and has been praying for a Prize Patrol visit.

We say, “Relax!  Don’t worry!  We’ll wait!”

But this person finds it hard to relax facing a video-camera, balloons, roses and faces that look familiar thanks to years of PCH TV commercials.  Anxious words are uttered: “Is this for real?”

We assure the person at the door that we are “for real,” then announce that we can surprise the winner with the good news at work or in a store or wherever.

“Well, I can call ‘em and tell ‘em to come home right away” says the door-answerer.

“OK,” we say.  “But don’t explain what’s happening or ruin the surprise. And, for heaven’s sake, don’t frighten them into thinking that something terrible has happened.  This is good news!”

“You can say that again!” is the response.

Before you know it the winner comes screeching into the driveway and almost faints when the Prize Patrol van is seen.  “I can’t believe it!!” or other words to that effect follow, and another PCH winning moment is videotaped for a nation of TV viewers to see.

You can see some of our recent winning moments if you click here on this link to

The main point of this blog is:  Don’t worry about being home on prize award days.  If your sweepstakes entry turns out to be a lucky one and you are a Big Check winner we will find you to tell you the good news.

This is particularly important for you to keep in mind as summer rolls around and it’s time for a getaway.  Go on vacation!  Take a break! Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes – at — with confidence, knowing that if you win we will not rest until that Big Check is in your hands.

Wishing you a relaxing summer – and good luck!


Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador