It’s “Keep the Faith Friday”! Stay in it to win it!

Earlier today, we announced our newest $5,000 A Week “Forever” winner. Now, I know what some of you may be thinking: You may be disappointed that you didn’t win the big SuperPrize today. But I’m here to turn your frown into a smile … because do you know what today is?
Today is “Keep The Faith Friday”! That’s right – even though Giveaway #6900 just ended, Giveaway #8800 is just beginning – and we’re so excited because YOU could be our next big winner on April 28th and win $7,000 A Week For Life!
Yes, indeed – you could win $7,000 every week for the rest of your life. Can you imagine all the things YOU could do with that amount of money? The possibilities are endless! And all you’ve got to do is … say it with me! … keep the faith!
Keep the faith every day!
I’m here to support all you fans and tell you that you MUST keep the faith in yourself and in PCH – not just today, not just on Fridays, but every single day! There are SO many ways to win at PCH but it’s crucial that you all remain IN IT TO WIN IT! I mean, think about it, you can never win if you decide to give up now, right?! I know you all DREAM of winning millions, but what’s a dream good for if you can’t make it a reality?
I know a lot of you PCH fans have tons of faith – and now you just have to channel that faith into NEVER GIVING UP and being persistent, because there’s another amazing prize opportunity right around the corner!
We’ve had so many winners in PCH history, and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon! We love seeing our fans win millions, and even smaller prizes. And all you’ve got to do is stay in it to win it and keep the faith!
Our next big PCH Giveaway is in full swing! So ENTER ENTER ENTER today and every day, and we could be knocking on your door next with a PCH Big Check for $7,000 A Week For Life!
Happy “Keep the faith Friday”! And good luck to you all.
Dillon S.
Promotion Development
P.S. Are YOU going to keep the faith? What words of advice do you have for your fellow fans on how to stay in it to win it? Comment below and share the positivity!