Know The Scam Facts!

Spending time online with PCH should be fun. But I’d like to remind you that there are scammers who pretend to be us. So to help you stay safe, it’s important for you to know some scam facts.
Here are three important scam facts:
1. Never Pay To Claim A PCH Prize
This is a pretty popular scam! Scammers know how excited you are to win a prize, and they’re hoping your excitement will cloud your judgment. They’ll bait you to pay for a prize you “won.” But remember that at PCH, you never have to pay to enter and you never have to pay to claim a prize — of any kind or amount.
2. PCH Prize Patrol NEVER Sends Friend Requests
EVER! It’s nothing personal; it’s just fraud prevention. Social media is a fun way to keep up on all your friends and family. And we hope you continue to interact with all of our pages. But remember that you will NOT receive a friend request from anyone in the PCH Prize Patrol on Facebook or Instagram. Our pages will be there for you to like, comment, and follow. But only scammers send you PCH friend requests.
3. Major SuperPrizes Are Delivered IN PERSON
What would be the point of giving away “Big Checks” if we couldn’t do so in person? Every winner has a different reaction and has a unique story to tell. We love Winning Moments! And we never alert winners in advance. The PCH Prize Patrol delivers a Life-Changing SuperPrize right to the winner’s front door; along with flowers and balloons.
The PCH Blog team values all of our readers, which is why we like to give you important information, like these important scam facts. We take fraud prevention seriously, and we hope you’ll continuously help us put an end to these scammers.
So remember to stay safe out there, friends. But most importantly, have fun!
Joe W
PCH Creative
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