How Would Your Life Change If You “Win It All”?

In just over a month, PCH will be searching for a “Win It All prize winner. That means someone could actually take home $2 Million upfront, $10,000 A Month For Life and a Lincoln MKZ valued at $36,095.00. Can you imagine winning a fortune like that? No doubt your life would drastically change… but how? How would your life change if you “Win It All”?
All too often we have to put our goals and dreams on hold until we can afford them or have the time to actually pursue them. But winning a fortune from PCH could change that. What’s your life’s dream? What are some of the goals you’ve had to shelf for a little while until you’re in a better financial place? I’ve been asking a bunch of people that very question, and here are some common answers.
Pay off all my bills
I bet we can all agree on this one, wouldn’t you say?
Buy the house I’ve always wanted
My dream home is Tudor style. What style house is your favorite?
Retire early
Doing what you want, when you want. That sounds good to me.
Travel all over the world
Wow – that would be so great. I think my first stop would be Italy. Where would your first travel destination be?
Give to my favorite charities
Wouldn’t you love to be so financially secure that you could share with those less fortunate? What are your favorite charities?
Buy an island
Whoa! How extravagant! Talk about a getaway. Would you like your own private island? Where would it be?
Now, what if all those dreams that you’ve had for so long finally became a reality? And all because you kept on believing and kept on entering PCH Sweepstakes! I mean, winning a fortune like $2 Million upfront, $10,000 A Month For Life and a new car valued at over $36 Grand could afford you a lot of dreams. How incredible would it be to find the famous PCH Prize Patrol at your door – Big Check in hand – ready to change your life with a “Win It All” prize? I get goosebumps just thinking about it! I think it’s safe to say that life would sure get better!
So… do you guys share any of the goals and dreams on this list? I would love to know. Or maybe you wish for something different? Tell me! How do you think YOUR life would change if you “Win It All”? Please tell me in the comments below!
Tina P.
Online Creative